Dan Gurney/Swede Savage Trans Am Cuda Replica

I must have originally posted this on the old forum. I had it so it was decent but missing a few decals back then. Part of the problem with the missing decals, finding out what they even were. I finally got around to finding some images of a Gurney car that Craig Jackson of Barrett Jackson owned. I managed to pause a video of it in a place where I could read the last couple of decals enough to duplicate them. So, here it is, with every decal accounted for as they appeared on the Craig Jackson owned car. I’ve seen many pictures of the AAR Cudas with varying decals, including goofy things like 3 hot wheels logos next to each other. File name is gurney wkw as I intended on entering it in the livery contest but there doesn’t seem to be one this week?


That’s a really nice replica… Good pics to work with are hard to find

A lot of logos are iconic enough that you don’t need great pictures of the car. Like the Castrol logo is easy enough to identify and look up a picture of the logo itself to duplicate it. STP, Champion, and the SCCA logos, no problem. It’s the weird logos on this car that made it challenging. Olsonite, Dan Gurney’s Check Point America and the Kelsey-Hayes logo. The last one was the hardest because even once I found a picture in which I could read Kelsey and get the Kelsey Hayes, I still couldn’t find that logo. So I had to find a pic of the car in which I could read everything on that decal.

Looks pretty good mate! Right on, nice job.