D1SL CHR1STO I FM5 Gallery I Update- 03/17 I

Hello everybody, i am back on FM5! :slight_smile:

I hope that that will please you…

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Nice photos

Man, that first shot is something special, great shots all around…good to see you on Forza 5, D1SL.

Thanks Swtluu & Windsweptdragon. :slight_smile:

Nice job :wink:

Glad to see you here D1SL, loved your work on forza 4!

Love this!

WOW great shots, esp love the R18 shots the most!

Thank everybody. =)

Amazing job Christo !

Hi, new set of pictures.:wink:

Preview of my GT picture:

If you want more: GT6 | Flickr
(To reach it, select all the URL and the right click to reach it.)

Loving your photos mate, most of them are taken as if you were trackside, behind the barriers taking each shot. Makes it look like you were actually there to capture each moment! Following you on Flickr & these forums, looking forward to more ;D

Thanks everybody.

For me, it is the base of the realistic forzaphoto, as a result, I tries to respect this rule. :slight_smile:

IRL Picture of Blancpain Sprint Series, SuperTourism at Nogaro:

Very cool shots!!

Great shots so far mate, very good realism :slight_smile:

Love the distance and zoom you usually use for your shots. It makes some nice action shots witch I think you are one of the best for those kind of pictures.

Pictures of ALMS 1H30 of Long Beach:



Hope you like it…
Next Event: WEC at Spa Francorchamps!

Amazing work on those edited photos D1SL! Awesome real life stuff too!

Those edited pics were hard to determine if real or not. Fantastic work!

Thanks Viper & Lethal. :slight_smile:
Very BIG Update!