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I think you have to look into the dictionary before using words that not fit the meaning of what you want to express. Prejudice is when someone has a preconceived opinion about other people without even knowing them.

It is fact, that this game disadvantages players without an internet connection (PC) or an Xbox Live Gold membership (Console). But that is how the game is - it is mostly a multiplayer title where you can still do some single player stuff. Though it should not be surprising that some of the rewards of the game are hidden behing the multiplayer part.


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Oh grow up, you are the one trying to be clever.
It is 2022 and modern games are internet connected and designed to be, as it is common place around the world.
It is not your god given right to have the game written around you because you dont have the internet.
You are being pedantic. Just because you dont play online, doesnt mean the rest of the world has to suffer. Just accept if you dont take advantage of the whole game you are probably going to not get all the rewards. They arent free gifts to everyone, they are PRIZES for playing certain areas of the game. You’ve paid to play the game. If you want the online prizes, play online.
Moan as much as you like it is never changing.
Dont keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.


Forza Horizon is a Online Multiplayer Franchise where you can play solo if you want to. It makes no sense for a multiplayer title to give rewards only for offline modes.

If you choose to play the game only in offline mode it is your full right to do so, but please do not complain about missing the online rewards then. You cannot have the one without the other in this game, it is how the game was designed by the developers.

Forza Horizon 5 should bring people to Xbox live gold and the gamepass deluxe, that’s why the game rewards are created this way. And as long this is the main purpose of the publisher, there will nothing be changed. Even if you get personal against other users here.