Crashes and Damage

I find while racing in Forza, I don’t see crashes. I would like more occurrences of crashes so it makes things interesting. Like if I’m speeding around a corner and there is a car or two I need to avoid, that would be cool. Or even rollovers.

Also, damage seems to always reset. I remember in the days of rallly games, the more damage you caused, the most your car didn’t drive correctly - or at all.

Turn on Simulation damage and steering, then go race.

You can see lots of crashes online. In about ten minutes someone will make up for all the ones you’ve been missing.

Driving with damage set to Simulation can be a blast: you get to learn how to handle a less-than-perfect car, you have an incentive to learn where the pit stop entrances are, and perhaps best of all: you get to learn how to be a more polite racer.

It would be nice to see the drivatars go into simulation mode when I do.

I’ve noticed Beginner, Inexperienced, and Pro drivatars crash around (or into) me most often; Average, Above Average, Highly Skilled, Expert, and Unbeatable drivatars are not crashing around me as much.

What game have you been playing? Certainly not Forza 5. There is always a huge pileup at any first turn on any race.

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