I find while racing in Forza, I don’t see crashes. I would like more occurrences of crashes so it makes things interesting. Like if I’m speeding around a corner and there is a car or two I need to avoid, that would be cool. Or even rollovers.
Also, damage seems to always reset. I remember in the days of rallly games, the more damage you caused, the most your car didn’t drive correctly - or at all.
Driving with damage set to Simulation can be a blast: you get to learn how to handle a less-than-perfect car, you have an incentive to learn where the pit stop entrances are, and perhaps best of all: you get to learn how to be a more polite racer.
It would be nice to see the drivatars go into simulation mode when I do.
I’ve noticed Beginner, Inexperienced, and Pro drivatars crash around (or into) me most often; Average, Above Average, Highly Skilled, Expert, and Unbeatable drivatars are not crashing around me as much.