Corrupt Cars & Single Player Not Loading? - Help here!

So recently I got into a bit of trouble, when I discovered the online craze of modding & traffic cars. For my 1st experience, another online player gifted me an illegal mod - traffic car. The guy was only trying to be nice & thought he was gifting me something good, even at my request that he didn’t. As curiosity goes I decided to drive it before I sent it back.

I selected the car & tried to exit the outpost then the problem happened! The loading screen just continued on. I tried going to dashboard, then back on, but it wouldn’t load again. Single player was corrupt, all my designs, cars & all my stats, hours/weeks/months even, of game play & work - GONE! … Or so I thought…

I decided to try multilayer, it worked. This was because I was able to choose another car from my garage that wasn’t the corrupt car. The problem was the corrupt car was still my default car on single player, so I still couldn’t get back on to single player, only online. I thought “If only there was a way to change my single player default car from online mode.” … By chance, I decided to test my online out in a private session & started it at the Horizon Festival. Them I attempted to change my car at the outpost at the festival.

That’s when I realized, this was not a normal outpost, this is “Daks Garage”, where you are given the option to choose a Barn Find car or go to your garage. So I tried clicking on one of my barn find cars & it loaded. So I decided to then try Single Player again & it worked! My barn find Bugatti then became my default car in Single Player! I got my profile back! - I instantly sent the corrupt car back to its owner & never looked back.

Lesson learned, do not get sucked into this mod craze!!! You might only ruin your profile & everything might be lost forever. Please do not accept modded cars as gifts!

I write this to help those who have made the same mistake I did & hopefully give them their game back with a lesson learned.

Quick step instructions to retrieving your corrupt profile:

  • Create online private session starting at festival.
  • Enter the Outpost at the festival aka “Daks Garage”.
  • Choose any of your Barn Find cars from the Barn Find option, rather than the garage.
  • Return to dashboard or restart your console.
  • Enter single player mode & your profile should be restored!

I hope this helped your problem.

Happy online gaming!

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