Anyone struggling with the default steering settings,I have found that changing the steering axis deadzone inside to 22,and the steering axis deadzone outside to 93 in the advanced controller settings is a huge improvement on the default settings.Try it if you find the defaults too sensitive.
I’ve always wondered what those deadzones mean. I stumbled upon it trying to figure out the buttons for shifting and clutch (I’m new to Forza, go easy)
Could anyone explain what any of that means before I go and screw everything up?
You can always set it back to default if you don’t like the changes. Go to this guys YouTube MoneyMan300 channel he speaks clearly and explains this well.
Hmm. I’ve left mine at default since day one but have always had consistency issues with the thumb stick. I guess that explains the understeer I feel in a lot of cars and the random oversteer from jerking the stick too hard to get the car to turn.
Oh, wow. Thank you for that. That actually explains it a lot better than I was understanding it. I just have a very bad habit of playing racing games that I’m trying to break. I tend to drive in a “twitchy”
manner. Meaning it’s either fully turned left, or fully turned right. Gas trigger slammed or brake trigger slammed. Hoping that changing these settings will either help or eliminate that twitchyness I have.
I am Ok with the steering but is there anything that can be done with the throttle? I have found that my throttle is wide open before I get half way down the trigger pull… Is there anything that can be done?
I never knew about these settings until yesterday and on Road atlanta in P class i went from rank 400 to rank 132! just from 5 laps! i cant wait to get the hang of this and master these settings