Control, Keyboard, gamepad, wheel accel & steering wrong ratio drifting

Ok first of all i am french sry if my english is not native, i write this becose before the new implement of free personal online adventure i dont have any hope for this game about online playing vs another player is now much beter tks for that, for me one thing is missing is the FW RW choice becose we are back in F3 every 4w4 cars is wining sad we cannot select it.

So i come back in FH4 but my disappoint is ever same IA for sure i dont noe if one day.

The mean reason why i write is about control and particularly wheel i want to give exemple.

When i play with heyboard or gamepad for exemple cross country, rally or if i try to drifting is so much more easy than the wheel i have wait very long to understand what happen before i think what is the problem.

If i play offroad or rally car with keyboard or gameplad is a kind of auto stability during driving turning sliding and jumping landing after a jump.

So during offroad lap if my keyboard is only pressing to go front no any direction the car stay front no any left or right thing everything is easy to drive it mean the ratio from accel and steering is normal is how it have to be and when you are landing after a big jump the car stay front perfectly is line.

Now what happen when i use my wheel (for info i only have a T150 is perhaps a bit cheap but i thing is ok i can play simulator with no problem) when i do offroad and try to drive front of me the ratio of the force from the accel of the steering dont have any assit any more this is not the problem but if the car is turning only for 5 degree by accelerating only front way the counter steering to hold my car in front way after this only little 5 degree is close to full counter steering on my wheel this is totaly wrong force apply it mean the wheel is counter more than it have to counter and when you have finish to counter you car mass is project so fast and strong in the counter steering you dont have time to counter to stable the car we just mean is a latency the counter steering is going faster than the real mass of the car and when the mass is finaly apply to you counter steering is to late you cannot counter steering back to center this happen at all but this wrong force is much more show on offroad.

The must part where you can see this over counter or over steering force is during landing after a jump you car is going every where but with heyboard you stay perfectly front way so easily

The only way to do not see my car counter to strong is to accelerate only at 50% or less but if i do that the IA or other player beat me becose im to slow.

The counter steering is coming to fast and to big for what it have to counter but is not apply the good force for the angle and the force is actualy apply on the car at my personal experience is more easy for me to drift with keyboad and close to imposible with the wheel i think is some offset with accelerating and steering comparing to keyboard and gamepad wheel need some adjustment.

Specially RW just after a little corner how you have to drive slow when you come out of the corner and the car is in line to accel once again the rear is balancing so fast and strong is unreal you push only 10% of the foot pedal the car try to do 180 degree for nothing to mush force is going on the left or right to the car when you accel but less force to go in front way i talk about car with 1000 torque is just unplayble.

Or the control is good but return of mass car is wrong anyway i cannot explain more.

I have try every setup every angle 180 to 1080 degree the problem is the same the ratio is wrong.

So after this new implement of online option i have a bit hope for that wheel problem.
