so, i’ve been a long time forza fan. played every game apart from the cash cow that was horizon. i have to say i’m extremely concerned about the amount of ‘vanilla’ content in forza 5. in forza 4 it was written all over the box that there was well over 100+ cars and many many tracks. my first moment of concern was when i saw the forza 5 box and it said nowhere on it about amount of tracks or cars. i know that devs like to blow their trumpet on the game box when it comes to content, and there was no bragging at all. then i played the game, and saw why. its because there is hardly any. please note, i do not have a ps4, i have an xbone. i am simply stacking forza5 up against the competition. i’m not going to compare GT6’s game engine to forza’s as that would be foolish. GT6 is cack. the cars handle like trollies and the sound is like being trapped in a tupperware container. i am however going to compare the content, seeing as they are competing games on competing formats. GT6 has 1200+ cars on the disk, and many more free ones available through dlc from collaborations with real car designers. 100 or so individual tracks to race on, nevermind being able to modify them yourself, and record IRL driving routes via gps and input them into the game. then we have weather. on GT6 you can select from 3-4 different weather settings including snow, and choose night-time races if you wish. the only USP that forza5 has right now above GT6 is the customization. i find it hard to swallow that we have moved to a more powerful machine, yet the only fruits of it are better graphics. in fact, content is down by approximately 50% against forza4. how can we be expected to pay £60/$100 for the next game in the franchise, only to be treated to half the ‘vanilla’ content? £60 for approximately 60 cars? that stinks man. where is the nurburgring? why don’t we have porches? are you going to sting us for a whole porsche dlc again? i’ll be honest, i’m disillusioned with the whole xbox one thing; no incentive to have one. about 5 games to play, no games for gold, no demos, no arcade games, no backwards compatibility…the list goes on. at least if i were to give playstation network my £40 a year, i would already be getting free games, and i would be able to play world of tanks and planetside, and i could have over 1200+ cars to play with for the same £60 i gave turn10. seriously guys, how about some fan appreciation dlc huh? played 2 or more forza games? here have some cars. logged in to every day this month? here have a free car. i don’t have a 360 anymore, so i can only play forza5, yet on the rewards programme i have to get over 3000 points in under a week to reach tier5. impossible. i feel like i’m being forced off forza5 onto an older game, or onto the competitor’s console, as this iteration in the forza franchise is utterly disappointing. i understand these topics may have been covered before, but today is my first time on these forums, so i decided to have my say. that is what the forums are for after all. i also have no illusion that this post will be removed, as it show turn10 in an unfavourable light, such is the way of media censorship. i just hope they read it properly first.
First of all, Porsche is off limits. Blame EA, not T10. You can do your own homework.
About your other complaints: You chose to be an early adopter. As a result, you have to deal with the consoles’ infancy. Games for gold? You mean that program MS started 8.5 years after the launch of the 360 to help promote games that are 6 or 7 years old and practically forgotten? I think it’s safe to assume that promotion won’t be coming over to the One any time soon.
There are demos (Dead Rising, FIFA, NBA Live, etc). There are arcade games (Peggle, Max, Spartan Assault, etc). Backwards compatability in the traditional sense (Xbox → 360 for example) is a techinical impossibility because of a change in hardware, but there is potential for a cloud-based system that we might see in the future. Complaining about the rewards program because your teir isn’t high enough is not a T10 problem or a MS problem. If it’s a problem at all, it’s on you. You complain when you don’t get free stuff and then complain when the free stuff you get isn’t good enough. Which, by the way, is only an issue because you sold your 360. You don’t HAVE to get 3K points in under a week. You can take as long as it takes. The rewards program will be here in March. I didn’t play Horizon, so teir 6 is going to be tricky for me. Is that T10’s fault?
The most important thing to remember: This game is laying groundwork for the future. You are apparently new to the franchise, so you don’t remember the transition from the OG Forza to FM2, and all the things that were left out. Or the tragic changes from FM2 → FM3, when we lost a ton of well-liked features in favor of a new system of distribution, or the changes from FM3 → FM4, where some could say it all came together. This is how it goes. It’s the nature of the business. The important thing to remember is this game, FM5, is BY FAR the best on-track experience T10 has produced, and that says a lot. While that may not cheer you up now, it’s great for the veterans of the series who can see the forest through the trees.
Let’s not forget about the changes in hardware over the years. The 360 you got rid of a couple months ago was nothing like the product I bought almost 10 years ago. The OS upgrades, the numerous face lifts, the updates and additions that came with regular frequency…all these things should be expected with the One.
I’m not urging you to stick with it. I couldn’t care less. I’m telling you the facts. That being the case, your knee jerk reactions to the One and FM5 are petulant. A little bit of research would have gone a long way. If you’re having buyers remorse and just want to vent, go do it somewhere else. We’ve heard it all before and it’s a little tiring.
seriously. you sir are condescending on level which can only be achieved behind a keyboard. i am a veteran. i am not new to the series. how dare you call me petulant? everything i said was true. there are 5 or maybe six full titles out now. there are 3 arcade games. ok, thats not 0, but 0 of them are worth playing. i have peggle 2. its about half an hour long. i’ve been playing since forza 1, i was on a different account, something i did mention (i packed in gaming, but forza 4 drew me back. i started gaming again under a different account so i could earn all the achievents again). you actually didn’t really address any of my points, you just used your time to belittle my opinion, and curve veiled insults at me. something which should be abhorred and you should be punished for. i love forza, and i said as much. i went on to praise the little changes i have noticed, that have made a big difference to my experience, in a positive way. yet off you go, picking out only the negative things i said. the rewards programme is bent. period. did you get your day one dlc? if not then you certainly can’t be better than me. surely that means i do love the game. simple fact is, thats is a let down too. three cars, still have to purchase them, and its just a design. see how you are the only person who is trying to defend turn10 in this? and i kind of respect you a little for that, as its hard seeing something you love come under fire. but, there comes a time when we all have to be honest, and say ‘this isn’t good enough.’ your response was intended to come across as intelligent, informative, and brutally honest. well i can tell you it didn’t. you came across as aloof, arrogant, and very naive. so much for the intelligence.
Nope, I am equally condescending in real life. In fact, my post to you was me being helpful. My condescension is much thicker when it’s deliberate. I didn’t call you petulant, just your post. You’re whining about the lack of titles in a system that’s been on the market for less than two months. Get a grip and realize this is what being an early adopter is all about. Deal with it. This is how it works.
What about FM5 did you regard with praise? The graphics? The level of customization vs GT6? Because those are the only things that could possibly be seen as anything but insulting, but I didn’t see a whole lot of praise. It wasn’t hard picking out the negative bits of your rant; every sentence had something. The hardest part about it was sifting through your wall of text to find which ridiculous statement to address next. ProTip: use paragraphs.
Maybe you’re being too sensitive? I wasn’t “curving veiled insults at you”, just addressing your concerns. Primarily, that you shouldn’t consider this an extension of Forza 4 but instead regard it as a brand new entry on a brand new console that is laying a foundation for the future. If you don’t see it this way, that’s fine. Like I said, I’m not trying to convince you of anything, just enlightening you on the reality of the situation.
Here’s some more reality for you to digest: If your first post to a forum is a childish little rant built on hyperbole and ignorance, you should expect a similarly toned response. My “intentions” weren’t to pander to a community I’m barely part of anymore. Saying I was trying to be intelligent is silly. These are the words I write. These are the words I speak. I may be arrogant, and it’s awesome that you can see that through my posts, but I’m not “trying” to do anything.
Here’s me being less aloof:
Play the game for what it is, if you truly loved FM4, you should find a good deal of enjoyment in this title. If you are totally incapable of having fun with this game, go sell it. I’m certain FM6 will pick up where this left off and we’ll get more of what we want. Make no mistake, I’m not wearing rosy glasses. I see problems, too. But I also live in the real world and I understand that everything is a process. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe T10 has lost its way and we’re doomed to forever long for the days of yesteryear, when the Auction House fueled the economy and only the hardcore could do what they want. When “microtransaction” wasn’t in the dictionary. When a troll was a cave dweller and not a 12 year old behind a keyboard. If that’s the case, then so be it. It was a good ride.
I think you’re too hung up on your disillusioned expectations not being fulfilled to realize you have a wonderful game with hours and days of enjoyment in front of you. Play it. Buy some of the cars and drive them. Or paint them. Or tune them. Take some time and enjoy the content that is there before you manifest your kneejerk initial thoughts into a petulant rant on a fanboy forum. Because, really, what good is that going to do? You’ll just get sucked into a conversation like this.
This is the stuff people will keep telling you. They will say it is your fault for buying it and you should have done research! DLC is welcomed and celebrated!
The truth is forza motorsport is not the type of game to be a launch title, it is a content driven game and launch titles have never been known to have much of it. Forza horizon on the other hand would have worked out better because with 200 cars it would have been a step up from the last game and basically one big track it wouldn’t have been a big deal. It also doesn’t need to run at 60fps which is what I think they focused alot of time on in forza 5. Microsoft needed a system seller and they chose forza to showcase the new system, which with any launch title means GRAPHICS are the most important thing. Does it suck that the game is lacking in content compared to forza 4, of course it does. Im hoping they add some features with updates, but if nothing happens within the first 6 months im afraid this game is going to stay this way as they will probably have moved on to make Horizon 2. My biggest concern is that since they really want to have a new forza title every year that the two games will be sharing the cars turn 10 has in stock which would mean less cars for each game as they would each need exclusive cars that the other wouldn’t get. I hope this doesn’t happen, the motorsport series is much better than horizon just because of the car count so if it suffers because of horizon I think it would be a travesty
I hear ya OP. While I am really enjoying the game, the fact that they are nickle and diming us for DLC’s is extremely ridiculous. I believe the DLC’s should have been included in the game at no extra charge. Considering the amount of tracks and cars the game currently has, it’s is saddening. But what can we do.
I understand the OP frustrations but you kinda undermine your argument when you make blatantly incorrect statements like there are only 5 games to play, no demos, and no arcade games. State your case because it does have some merit but leave out the ‘extremes’ which are incorrect.
I don’t know. The content to cost ratio seems quite good to me.
Although an excellent game for its time, Pilotwings 64 cost most Nintendo 64 owners $69.95, less than 20 years ago. I could go on and on about how video games have decreased in price throughout the years - thanks in part to inflation - while quality has substantially increased; but, I think we can agree that we are certainly getting our money’s worth in this day and age.