Constant crashing on high end gaming pc [PC]

I can’t finish a single race without having to try over 2-3 times on average

at any random point it will just freeze and close forza

I’ve tried disabling my 2nd monitor thinking it was a refresh rate issue, but nothing seems to work, on my 1440 144hz monitor it’s been crashing, i need to test the 60hz 4k monitor as well

my setup is an i7-7700k, GTX 1080ti, 16GB corsair dominator RAM, 750 watt thermaltake PSU, asus motherboard, samsung SSDx3

i have no issues on other games, just this one, and i’ve had these issues on console as well on release where the game just shuts down in the middle of races

is this game just extremely unoptimized? or is there a known issue with a resolution i’m using, a piece of hardware…anything?