
I’m going to make a confession.
I can’t drive, this is my first driving game ever.
I tried driving all of you forum mavens’ tunes, but I can’t stay on the road.
This is what pushed me to tuning. I figured that you all have developed your driving skills over time and unconsciously adapted to the “Forza” style.
I could be wrong about that, who knows. All I know is that I can’t drive.
I have brain damage that affects memory loss, so every time I drive a track it is like it is brand new.
Yet, I can do the math and trial and error tweaking needed to tune. (This is why I use Excel, it helps me remember what I have done and what direction I’m going.)
I just have only scratched the surface of tuning though.
Anyways, confessions from a driving impaired kitty.
Meow :slight_smile:

each tuner has a different driving style and you just have to find yours. as far as driving it takes a bit to get into a rhythm on each track . keep at it i have tried a few of the tunes you have posted and they are not bad , a few tweaks here and there .

Kitty – you are doing a pretty good job with your tunes, AND, “hang in there” with the driving. I am also completely new to gaming (first-ever gaming system in my life!, and, FM 1st game) and it’s been somewhat frustrating, yet, little by little it does get better. I still have many tracks with “dirty laps” as my PBs with sloooow lap times. I am sure it will get better for you…keep practicing!

Thanks guys. I won’t be giving up anytime soon. In fact I have something neat for the community in the works. Version 1 should be ready in a couple weeks. I think you all will like it.

I admire honesty in anyone so fair play for that! And just stick with it as i have struggled for years to get anywhere near the top guys but im slowly finding my way into the top 300 at a few tracks and considering i tune myself now im Loving Forza more and more!

Thanks Elusive.