Compliments to all who worked on FH2!

Im loving this game so much! and i have not really noticed why until after a good full day of playing. The game is amazing all around, but there are so many small things that have been going past me really slyly and when i finally pick up on them it keeps making the game better.

Like the AI in road trips. Instead of being the same bot AI when you roam around the road trip AI will stay with you, be it chill cruising or going flat out. Now i know some people will say that “hurr its supposed to be like that cause its a road trip” but this little change in the way the AI work could have EASILY been overlooked. The fact its in the game means that this game has been designed from the players perspective.

Another thing that made me love this game was the Bass Arena music station easter egg, hearing “All your bass are belong to us” in the middle of a race doesn’t exactly help me keep a cool head :stuck_out_tongue: needless to say i cracked up at it.

So thank you everyone who contributed to making this game what it is, it definitely deserves the Horizon title and cant wait to see whats next!


Absolutely loving the different locals and the races that go with them. Played a ton of Online road trip and had so much fun. The game world is immense and filled with so many things to see and do. Thank you all who worked hard to bring us this awesome title. GOTY material for sure.

I put the radio on classical and think of my sig… In a matter of minutes, hours go by… It’s amazing how they built a time machine out of a racing game :wink: