Clark Griswold's Wagon Queen Family Truckster with Graffiti

So this is what I was working from here for those that may not remember the movie National Lampoon’s Family Vacation. The car started the movie as a new car with chrome hub caps and along the way lost all the hubcaps to reveal the black steelies and acquired graffiti as well.

The Forza result:

I chose the Audi RS2 as it was the biggest, squarest wagon available in the game. For those interested in wood grained wagons without the humorous movie tie in. I also have this posted with a more traditional continuous wood grain panel down the side and without the hood and tailgate parts and graffiti. I’ve also done the RS3 and RS4 in that manner as well.

Absolutely great movie! Your tribute does it wonders mate, very funny! Keep up the great and very creative work.

After looking at some threads of other people’s work and reading how they get some of the effects they do, I realized that I could make this better by putting a brown overlay on the woodgrain portion with the opacity turned down. So here it is, updated to have all of the possible family truckster ridiculousness. The old one is still shared, this one is shared as family truckster 2. Although the 2 might have gotten cut off as too long of a name.