Can anybody point me toward a link or resource that will explain how to set up the two-way sound on the Xbox One in general, and how to talk with other players in multiplayer mode?
plug the head set into the controler before turning the xbox on for the headset that came with it. its that easy unless you have disabled it under parental controls. for the stereo chat adapter Xbox Support
ohh and on the left side is the mute button, if the orange diagonal light is on you are muted, push it again and the light will go off letting you talk to people. the two buttons on the right are volume up and down. make sure the volume is up so you can hear people.
All FAQs on Forza-forums and on Xbox-support will tell you that you need certain ports opened on a modem/router, have the latests firmware-update for both console & controller and have a certain/minimum bandwidth to spare for certain communication.
Unsure which guides you followd so far and what/where in those guides you’re getting stuck/lost?
Haven’t done anything yet except plug the headset into the controller and notice that it was silent. I’ll use your suggestions to jump into the search. Thanks.