Chat audio problem

Rumour has it that the main issues are the bandwidth needed for both gaming and voice chat. Not your own internet bandwidth but on the servers.

Someone suggested that during peak load it appears they turn voice chat off or cap what is available for chat to ensure the games work well.

I thought we in Australia had servers from day one but apparently they have only just gone live. So if there are more server rollouts then hopefully this issue will resolve over time.

I only seem to have issues on weelkends. Weekdays it seems fine.

Hmm, havent heard anything about the servers before. Youd think microsoft would have plenty.

Not everyone is having this issue it seems too. People in game just chat like nothing is wrong. Meanwhile im just sitting here trying to make out what theyre saying. Just sucks that such a social game cant work properly. BF4, COD and every other game has it figured out.

Server lag. Happens usually when a player enters during a game from a great distance away. Normally I get booted from the server shortly afterward. FM5 is the worst for it. I gave up even trying to play online. Horizon is better but it still happens regularly. Might be something to do with frame rate also. FM5 runs 60fps. Thats a lot to push thruogh the pipe. And not everyone has the same internet connection performance. Or the same connection all the time. Turn10 needs to knock the dust off some of the old racing sims and take a look at what they were doing. Things have changed alot since back in the day I’m sure, but it’s supposed to get better, not worse…Charles

Ah. That actually makes a lot of sense. Last few rooms i was just in chat was perfect. Just joined a new one and chat was back to crap.

Anyone else have the problem of always being stuck in a party? Fire up the online and your in a party which then cancelled the in game chat?