Characters Voices not working

Someone help!!!
Im playing Forza Horizon 2, and
the charaters dont say anything???
i see their mouths move, but no voice???

No info given like: firmware updated for both console & controller? Cold-cycled console? What sound-settings on console? How hooked up to ANY other device in the chain?

Go into settings, find sound, change output to stereo, voices will work.

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i have same problem and it does work when i change to stereo but i dont wont to play in stereo it worked fine last week. has there been an update which has caused this problem?

Have you tried this thread:

On a side note, I’d love it if Ben stopped talking.

And the girl at the garage as well…

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Oh God, yes.

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We have an option to turn off tokens - can we have an option to turn off these two clowns and Anna’s repetitive monologue?