Career stuck?!

Hey, does anyone know how to get my career unstuck? After downloading the new update/track I am stuck on race 10/10 of the prototype series. I’ve raced the same track 3 times and it keeps reloading even though I placed first… any suggestions? I really don’t want to delete my career, i’ve put a lot of time into it…

ironically that is the glitch that was fixed in the last update along with logging in problems. totally power down you xbox by holding the power button on the console, not the controler or kinnect. wait a couple of minuets and turn it back on and see if that clears it. if you haven’t fully powered down the glitch may be stored in the ram only. powering down via kinnect or the controler puts it it sleep mode not turn it off, thats how it can turn on with a voice command. it might not be letting the update fully install just like a pc has to fully power down and restart to fully instal programs.

Hopefully that works because I have the same issue. I’m stuck on race #5 in the A series. Just keeps looping back to the same race over and over again.