Car packs

I understand this may be the wrong section if it is, please correct me. I downloaded the IGN car pack and the Honda car pack, and for some reason the cars aren’t showing up in my owned list. I am playing on Xbox One, is anyone else having this problem?

You need to buy them from the in game dealership. The only car that you get off the bat is the car that is gifted to you from buying the car pack

This explains my query… I bought the VIP pack…mainly cos I just bought the e21 lotus so I was skint in game cr… So the double level up credits looked tempting,(and I wanted a little crown crown by my name) :)… I thought I got the cars listed, (veron, Mazda p class one,etc.) yet I didn’t get them,I was just allowed to buy them…tho when I booted up in the morning I had been gifted 4 or 5 cars…including the Lotus e 21!! … Oh how I laughed!!

The 4 or 5 cars you were talking about are the ones that were sent out to VIPs like the halo spartan assault 302 mustang boss and also VIPs got a E21 as well.

Double post sorry

Now that you’re VIP the credits will roll in thick and fast… by the time you’ve driven a few thousand miles you’ll have enough to pick up and tune whatever you want!