Just like to add. It’s a shame that we can’t get cars or even buy them that were limited Edition type stuff.
I was not aware of this game when it first came out so had no chance to get preorders and the such like.
If your offer still stands and it’s not too much to ask, a McLaren F1 GT would be a helpful step toward completing my FH garage. Thanks.
gt: Rudiger
Son bouncing round room at getting car, shouting Thank You!
xbox live msg sent, friends request failed, as you don’t apparently have room for me LoL
Thanks muchly.
Hi Orb I sent you a friend request a few days ago and left it up for over two days. I kept checking the profile and seeing when you were online and I even sent you a message when you where playing but I had no response back. I added others at that time to continue gifting the cars as I can’t spend overly long waiting for one person too except the request when others are in need of their vehicles. That said I do understand it’s a young persons account so of course I will try again. Will send you an invite tonight x.
As you have found out I have 100 friends a full friends list on the xbox 360 so I have to remove a friend every time I gift cars out it’s for this reason alone that I can never afford to wait too long as the person I remove always screams at me to add them back…lol x.
Mini your very welcome and thank you so much for the thanks x. I am very glad your happy with the cars and it’s for that reason I like gifting so much. To help others get those cars they want so badly but also for no matter how long a few minutes, seconds or hours to make someone else happy is so worth while.
I understand it’s just an AI car but I am glad that I can help and make others happy x.
Give the car to someone else. He’s now grounded, and I told him he not getting the car. Yes am a mean Dad lol
Thanks for offer and except my appollogies for any inconvenience I (on Jacks behalf) have caused you.
Hello DarthBra. This is my first post ever on these forums, but I’ve been playing the Forza series ever since Forza 2 came out (meaning I own 2, 3 UC, 4, and Horizon). You stated that as long as it’s not a 250 GTO, you’ll gift it, well, okay then. If I’m one of the first 15 still, can I get the 250 California instead, please? I mean, I own every Ferrari that comes stock with the game except the two 250s. It’d be awesome if you’d be able to gift me both, but since you said no, that’s fine with me. Any gift car is awesome.
I guess I’ll have to message you as well as post here, so here’s my post. Thanks for this!
Just wondering if I could have a mclaren f1 please my gamertags is XI GINGER XI
Just wondering if I could have a mclaren f1 please my gamertags is XI GINGER XI
Still have any cars to give away, my 6 yr old son love this game but has a hard time earning cars by himself our gamer tag is H0va v2
That’s a zero after the h thanks
Are there still cars you are looking to send off? I will be our of town for the next 7 weeks as of Saturday.
PredownGlint64 is my gt.
hey plz can u sent a car to me but on the account Shark X Saint because i hope to get every car in the game but on forza horizon
plz can u send me a ferrari f40 competizione
all thx Shark X Saint x
A free car is always welcome! Any chance you have any DLC cars you could send out? My GT is Frogboy1111
If u send me a friend request ill send a good car anyways i have a bugatti so i can gift a good car if u send a friend request to me…
Can I have a car please! My Gamertag is SirCopen
May I have a free car? Please?? My GT: SirCopen
Hi DarthBra,
as my previous speaker, i would also like to have a car if you’re online again and if it’s possible. Just a small one.
The Ford Fiesta Zetec S. The Game’s awesome, better then teh Secon i think, but without my own car ingame, it’s not the same!
If you’re goin online these day’s: My GT: X Dragon 89
Greatings and Ty for the possibility
Guys - DarthBra hasn’t been here for nearly a year now. If you must send her a message over Live but she may no longer be interested.