Car Club creation issue

Hi there drivers,
I started playing Forza Horizon yesterday to get ready for the second (I played all Forza expect this one on my last account) and when I try to create my Car Club it always says that the Forza Horizon servers are not available at the time. The thing is, I tried yesterday, and right now and still no luck but the servers are actually online because when I look at multiplayer, there are some games available. Does anyone has the same issue ?

Oh, and by the way, does someone know why my avatar picture on this forum isn’t updated ? (I see me with a red shirt but my avatar wears a grey/black one)

Thank you.

Yes, I am having this issue also. I’m trying to join a car club, but it doesn’t work. I have the same message popping up. But it’s pretty intrusive!

Second question. The Moderators, while creating the Forums, wanted to show every member’s avatar picture. So you will see some people with… no avatars! And I don’t think it updates, by the way, but I am not a Moderator, I don’t know the official answer, so ask that question to one by private message. You will recognize them by there “rank”, right under your GamerTag that leads you to your profile and posts and likes.

Thanks for your answer and for letting me know about the avatars.
I don’t think it will be fixed now. I just retried today and I keep viewing the same message.

Have fun on the road.

Edit: It seems that it has been fixed, I was able to create my Car Club successfully a few hours ago.