What are all the benefits from being in a car club? I know you can get credits weekly from working through the tiers and I have seen in online play there is a line in the results for a club bonus although I have never received a bonus even though I am always driving with club members.
Snap, my club leader got 100,000 from the club, but the rest of use got nothing. So it would seem its only the club leader that gets the benefits, which is crud since I was winning most of the races lol
Each week an exp counter is reset for all club members and depending on you personal exp for the week you work through tiers and get rewards. The rewards aren’t dependent on what others do but are displayed so you can compare to the others in you club.
I am almost tier 1 for the weeks exp in our club and I believe the rewards went
Tier 4 - 100,000 cr
Tier 3 - 200,000 cr
Tier 2 - 300,000 cr
Tier 1 - 400,000 cr
Its a pretty sweet deal and I won’t lie I had to drive a lot this week to do it but it does mean you could get an additional 4 million credits a month if you drove enough. I will get the 1 million this week but I don’t think I can maintain this pace to long without my wife getting mad lol.
Not true; was playing with several of my members the other day and one after another got more and more credits for reaching a higher Tier. Currently we stack up with 11 members in Tier 1 already totalling almost 20 million XP in the last week.