I have not been able to share designs or vinyls to the cloud since the update, which is really annoying because I can unshare stuff, and I am able to share photos, tunes, and replays.
anything I can do to remedy this?
I have not been able to share designs or vinyls to the cloud since the update, which is really annoying because I can unshare stuff, and I am able to share photos, tunes, and replays.
anything I can do to remedy this?
What does “not been able” mean? A “I can’t allow that Dave” message? Connection message? No “Share” option? Shared by crash out to menu? Shared but not visible to others?
when I attempt to share, it brings up the stuff to share it (keywords etc) then when I hit “share” is says “please wait”…then “Please try again later”.
It’s been doing this since the last update
I’ve been able to share paints since the update but it might be worth trying the following. If you haven’t tried rebooting, try doing a full reboot of your console. You need to hold the power button on the console for about 10 seconds till the light turns yellow on the power brick, then let go of the button and it will do a full reboot. Just shutting it down normally doesn’t reboot it unless you changed the default power down setting.
If you do this be aware that it takes longer than usual to start up after a full reboot. If that doesn’t work try rebooting your router. This feature is working for others so it’s probably something on your end. Anyway it’s worth a try if you haven’t done so already.
I think I already tried that, but I’ll try again.
yup, just tried it again and nothing different.
I don’t have the new dashboard update, if that helps, but this is really annoying me. I’m trying to run a comp and I’ve had to take extra steps to release mandatory decals.