AquaPainter168, open your mind a bit. You really think that nobody else here knows anything about software? Try again. Filling your garage doesn’t break anything. There’s no workarounds involved. It doesn’t work the way you want, too bad.
Garage cap is 750. If a player has 750 cars and reaches the cap, then they can receive no more cars until they are under the cap.
By design, working as intended, not a bug.
There are no workarounds, because it isn’t a bug.
Shall I continue?
One man’s bug is another man’s feature and vice-versa.
Would it really be all that hard to update the game so that the game runs a check on how many copies you have before it tells you that you can’t sell a car?
More than one of a barn find owned? OK, game lets you sell the extras.
Only one copy of that bard find? OK, game won’t let you sell it.
Seems an easy fix.
Maybe they could personally stop by and play the game for you too?
But you CAN sell them, you just can’t remove barn finds from the garage.
And why should they program the game to tell you something you can easily check by looking in your garage?
Sorry, what I should have said is that it ought to be simple for the game to run a check when removing barn find cars from the garage. It should let you when duplicates are detected, and then either not let you, or at least give you a stern warning beforehand (letting know you you’re about to remove a car you can’t reacquire through normal means), when you try to remove the last copy of a barn find car from your garage.
I don’t like the way something is done so it must be a “bug”. LOL LOL LOL. This guy HAS to be a millennial. So self centered. I don’t like that you can’t auction some cars and that some only sell for 100 credits in Forza 7 either but I never posted 50 times insisting it’s a “bug” like a whiny child. It’s designed that way for a reason. Get a clue.
If it’s working as intended it’s not a bug. I don’t think you really understand what “bug” means in terms of programming… They could add an F1 to the game and it would wipe the floor with any other car in road races so doing that would totally break the game, but it still wouldn’t be a bug because it would be working as intended. Only when something doesn’t work as intended should you call it a bug.