cant gift cars

Hi there,

It seems as if I am no longer able to gift cars to friends. Its been a while since I last did that, but now the game tells me the forza 4 servers are currently not available, yet every other online function seems to work. I can download designs from the shops, I can buy cars at the auction house (or at least place bids, not sure if I can actually “end” and auction), even race online and upload pictures and movies.

What can I do to be able to gift a car to a friend?

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Don’t know bud, other than make sure it’s not a vehicle that can’t be gifted. I’ve never heard of this problem. Sorry to be of no help.

Also be sure to check your xbox live connection in system settings. Also you may have internet issue’s I have personally dealt with this same thing … Try running a speed test and check your upload speed . Mine did the same thing. It was my modem. Hope that helps

what is the car you are trying to gift? because there is some were you cant gift. (aka unicorns or pre gifted cars.) also when you test your connection is there any error codes or NAT errors?

Its a Tesla roadster I bought from the in house dealership and I want to gift it to a friend. Internet speed is more than good and stable. Again, everything else works. Gifting photos, downloading designs, buying auctions. Just not gifting this car :frowning:

The Tesla is part of the Launch Bonus Pack. Perhaps your friend isn’t qualified for it? Have you tried sending him/her a different car?


This won’t stop it being sent.

Like Savoury says - it is because there seems to be an issue in game with the Tesla (and the Nissan Leaf), and the common wisdom is because they have a 0.0l displacement. No way to gift or auction those cars unfortunately.

Thanks FD, I forgot all about the Leaf, easily done ;o)… both have exactly the same outcome. Cars with no displacement are rejected by the AH/gifting system.

I don’t think anyone can auction or gift the Tesla, the message is always ‘Server Unavailable’ preceded by a ‘Saving Content’ notification. It’s always been that way, the perceived wisdom is that this is because the car has 0.0L displacement I believe.