For some reason, I cannot connect to online freeroam sessions, strange network errors occuring. I’ll try my wireless connection instead. I can connect to everything else just fine, even FH2 online.
Error 0x80600032
For some reason, I cannot connect to online freeroam sessions, strange network errors occuring. I’ll try my wireless connection instead. I can connect to everything else just fine, even FH2 online.
Error 0x80600032
I’ve been having the same problem, My mate next door managed to go online but not me… So cant say its my location lol
I’ve noticed that when you complete the trials and you unlock online. Then you can get online with ease. But I haven’t been able to go online after that, unless I join a friend or something like that. Then it works
kinda similar for me too … trying to join a online session , the lobby look like its gonna start up but when it loading it dissapear and im still not online … sad
Same here …
Tried exposed host in router config, xbox settings sais nat is open.
I have no clue whats wrong here… even powered off the xbox completely and restarted the demo.
I am currently having the exact same issue.
Finished all the objectives and it unlocked online, however when I try and join a lobby, it appears that it’s joining… then it gives me the Unable to join error and gives me a support ID ans server ID etc. and says to retry this operation.
Very frustrating! I’ve restarted the demo and everything.