I am really loving the racing in forza motorsport 6 but i have never been good at drifting in a motorsport game. When i first played horizon i noticed that the cars slide very easy arround connors and are great for drifting.
Is it possible to tune a car in a way that it wil handle like a car in Horizon so it will be easy to drift?
(I hope i posted this in the correct forum because i’m not sure it should be in this one or the drift paddock.)
In a word. Horizon is much more arcade than a Motorsport game. So physics are at play. Can you make a car slide around?? Sure… Can you make it stable and drift-able?? Sure. It’s hard but it can be done but that’s not really what the game is about. The tracks we have aren’t suited for drifting really and the work that YOU need to put into getting the build right let alone the tune in my book isn’t worth the hassle.
But to answer your question, can you make a car easy to drift like horizon? The answer is no. Physics simply don’t allow for it to be done.