Can we stop with the hate towards anyone who drives an OP car?

Can we please stop this?

I’ve been driving a boneshaker for A Class online because I’m best at A Class and it’s an easy way to get the achievements for winning an Open event. I don’t care about “OP car go brrrrr”, I like it because it’s very easy to drive and I want to get the achievements

I wouldn’t drive this thing if there weren’t a thousand other people driving it too. The only way to beat this stupid thing is with another OP car. “If you can’t beat them, join them” kind of applies here

However, the second I entered open, I get bombarded with Evos, Peugeots, and Broncos pushing me out of checkpoints and ramming me into walls. This was clearly intentional, and with the hate I see toward the HW Boneshaker on the forums, reddit, and discord, it can’t be a funny coincidence.

So I have to ask…why? I’m done with this car as soon as I get that achievement, by the way. I hate driving this because of what people associate with the car

People are free to say what they want.

In terms of the boneshaker, it’s the only a-class car I’m aware of that can perform extremely well in a-class road, street and dirt using a single tune. It has superior acceleration and handling in comparison to most other cars and takes next to no skill to drive. It is also competitive in s1 CC.

Personally I don’t care that it’s OP for now because there is no ranked racing. So winning/losing in online racing means next to nothing IMO. If ranked racing existed then it would be a different story. Then again i drive meta anyway.

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Honest question. Is this a troll post?

If not there is an active Boneshaker thread where this is already vehemently being debated. :wink:

I personally felt the Acura Integra and Toyota Celica SS-I in B road/street, Scout in B dirt and Ferrari FXX and Ford GT 05 in S1 road were easy enough to win with and get the win x open event accolades.

Good to know, I didn’t see this thread when browsing and it didn’t pop up in “your post is similar to”

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OP in street and road with offroad tires and suspension?! Jeez this thing is ridiculous, maybe more OP than it was in FH4, despite the fact that the devs banned it in FH4 but not in 5. Honestly can we just nerf this thing so I and others can go back to enjoying A class with cars we like instead of having to run the HW Boneshaker if we want to do well?

Most people use the Bone shaker to compensate for the fact they are not very good driver.


I must be a bad driver then lol

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I still think custom lobbies would make so many things like this a non issue. For example a custom lobby where cars could be excluded. Problem solved.


As they say if the cap fits wear it.

The only thing wrong with the Boneshaker was that I thought there was something wrong with the Boneshaker. It’s a cool car.

And I’m not a very good driver :moyai:

Another thing PGG really should add but likely won’t

I’ve only driven it a few times and to be honest wasn’t impressed with it, to me its just a gimmicky toy car.

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You kinda contradict yourself by calling it a gimmicky toy car and also saying players use it to compensate for the fact they are not very good drivers. All based on the few times you say you have driving it lol…

Are you just commenting for the sake of commenting?

Well if I am so is everybody else.

Well it is actually based on a toy car.

It feels like the guy is trolling, tbh. Like, you call it a toy, then say it compensates for bad driving?? What???

I made some Bone Shaker drivers quit with many random cars. Some of them got salty and starts playing dirty.

I’m not like that, I just try to drive fair because I hate people who play dirty like that

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I would have thought the fact its toy like is self explanatory, in that they have given it unrealistic physics and handling which therefore makes it the reason it compensates for bad driving.

You even admitted yourself it makes it easy to get the achievements.