Can something please be done about wall riding..?

my 2cp,
Make it easier for people to vote others out. Such as, if someone, votes to kick, everyone who took part in the last race should have a dialogue box pop up regardless of what screen their in. Additionally, whoever is ‘running,’ the lobby should have extra powers to remove people. Whether it be a double vote, or even the ability to remove one player every other race. I’d rather the ability to effectively police myself, than jack up the tracks with junk…

Just add enough friction to have a slow exit speed… it doesnt have to stop you like sticky grass…

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It should be simple. Anyone in contact with wall for more than 1 second receives DNF+Ghost until pit drive through. Also goes on player statistics.


I dont think this would work well… Its hard to get off somes of the wall in under a sec.


the particular walls in question are very easy not to touch at all. They are several car widths off the “clean” line. If your wide enough to touch the wall it wouldn’t matter if it stopped you dead - the rest of the clean racers would pass by with enough room to go 3 wide. Sideways.

I agree!!! Anyone continuously riding the wall should get a DNF+Ghost until pit drive through same thing for corner cutters.

It is pretty cheap way to race but you can take the first or last turn on the Alps faster when NOT on the wall. Happens to me all the time going into the turn just ahead of a wallrider and come out of the turn ahead of the wallrider, I’ve even passed a wallrider on the first turn as well.

I hate wall riders and corner cutters also. I hope they do something about it. If not just use the vote to kick option and report for cheating and give a reason in the section provided. I know it sounds a bit petty but it’s all we have right now.

i dont think legit racers would complain they got their race ruined by fixing the fantasy tracks. its no different that the walls at bathurst. you touch one after reaching the top of the hill and you become a pin ball, you’re probably gonna hit the wall in every corner all the way down unless you spin to a dead stop. people dont complain that thee track is ruined. if you are going to time it i would make it more than 1 sec. maybe 3-5. if you get used for someone brakes they can pin you on the wall for 1 second and not even the walls people ride, that little chicane in full reverse where the wall riders get slung back all the way across the track. then some of them have the gall to complain you wrecked them…that they would have made the chicane without you in the way.

Is there a way they could patch the game to make walls sticky after say 2 seconds or more contact. Its well annoying when your out in front doing well then some idiot just beats you by riding the wall…

Also I think they should ghost all cars that are about to be lapped. Its a joke. You have all been there. Well ahead of the pack then you see on the radar a back marker. Oh and what ya know they just want to trash your race.

Bring back the ring…

It’s possible to beat a wall runner if you are a skilled driver.

11 man Barcelona could probably beat an Accrington Stanley side playing 15 players, because they are more skilled.

but they shouldn’t have to. Both teams play by the same rules.

the wall riding needs sorting, but it does have to be said, that as time passes, less and less wall riders are about.

unless I’ve blocked them all lol

A less skilled driver perhaps or a skilled driver that makes a big mistake. If he’s a skilled driver with a fast enough car who also wall runs and you’re not doing it then you’ll be left behind. There is a point where one can’t defy physics. Bernese Alps has way too many long corners for wall riding.

Codemasters figured it out for their F1 games. They call it rules. Go out of bounds to often, don’t let the much faster guy pass, initiate severe contact with another car even if it is an accident you get penalized or disqualified. Hit to many obstacles your car is terminally damaged and you DNF or you limp to the pits to repair it and lose the race. This type of racing is a choice in the F1 games. Their simulated damage races are very similar to the circus that is Forza MP racing. If a player chooses to race with full rules and damage it is an investment in time you want a return on. Most races are more than 10 laps and include a qualifying weekend so you can spend up to an hour or more per race. That is an incentive to finish the race and you don’t finish if you don’t play by the rules or protect your car. You can also choose a 5 lap race with sim damage and no rules and play quick games and have an experience very similar to Forza. I have raced both games extensively and enjoy both. The better I get at Forza the more I long for the realistic experience of an F1 game because I know I can complete races without being disqualified.

At least Codemasters gives players the choice to race more care free or stick to the rules and realistic damage. Having a choice in Forza would be nice since I only have one cockpit and a wheel that works with my Xbone and one that works with my 360. Codemasters has not released an Xbone game yet to fulfill my need to be in a race where etiquette is required with like minded people, when I tire of Forza pinball.

This would be my solution to wallriding. Having a realistic racing experience as a choice would also attract PC racers to the Forza franchise.


This is the best solution by far!!! Many of the other solutions offered cause other problems. Having rules would not only solve wall riding it would solve corner cutters and crashers.

Your solution is by far the most reasonable, logical and realistic solution.

just remove the walls and let them spend the rest of the race trying to drive back to the track. it can be the olympic ski jump trainer forza edition.

Its really easy to solve this.

All they need to do is an update adding about x4 to x5 concrete posts spaced out right around the edge of the track on the wall where wall riding persists. or some kind off signs that become part of the circuit edge that dont move if you hit them (kinda like those on Top Gear Track)

Thats will keep the suckers from doing it!

Being spaced out it will also benefit those less fortunate racers accidentally pushed into the wall not to ruin their race.

Easy as peas… I cannot wait for this to stop it and i will spin out those that do it, if i see them, until they learn to race fair.

you get punished when you stop wall riders. i stopped along th wall at the end of the straight. as soon as i seen a wall rider come of the turn before the straight i slowly accelerated until i unghoasted. i got 0 credits, xp, anything for the race so i stopped doing it. i was afraid i was being put on a list of people that intentional wreckers. i guess i was intentianally wrecking cheaters but was probably going on a list of people to be banned for wrecking everybody. now i just leave and go to a different lobby when the track comes up. i dont have to deal with wall riders and i’m not going to get banned, ironically as the cheater.

Oh i dont wait for people or anything like that but if they wall ride past me and im in the lead then il tap their rear qtr on the next turn.

il also tell them in the lobby what im gonna do if i catch them doing it again.

They normally start behaving as everyone else in the lobby tends to want to know who the wall rider is so they can voice their opinion to them also, then theres the threat of being kicked too.


I’m with BTR Sparky - a love tap and shame… If it work we go on if it doesn’t it was one race. I miss the user created public lobbies too.

I do like the ghost + DNF for 1 second of wall contact idea as well. and the magic yellow baguettes making some one fly into the infield of Indy would be fun to watch, but not very practical- I’m not a fan of sticky grass or walls or baquettes except for the humor. It would be nice to see some serious racing - penalties would just need to be assesses (DNF’s - zero creds (may be a pro lobby that access those penalties - leaving the other lobbies alone?) and if FM5 isn’t going to do pass penalties then it really only leaves shaming the person in race- and the hope to see user created public lobbies in the future.