Can someone explain classes to me?

I know in Forza we have D, C, B etc etc but I am confused by real life :wink:

In May my father, son and I will be going to Road America for the weekend to watch the spring vintage series. The entry list for last year can be found hereā€¦

I cant for the life of me figure out how the class in these (two or more letters) compare to what is used in Forza. My ultimate goal is to tune up a couple cars to the same class and race my son/see how we compare in Forza 5 :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance!

dont worry about class so much in forza. just tune it within restrictions. Car Eligibility Application | Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing that link should explain the restrictions what you can and cant do then what class your finished car would fit into in the real life seriesā€¦

This is part of my confusion - the cars listed in the entries for the real race have more than one letter which is what I cant figure out :slight_smile:

Forzaā€™s letter ranking system in not like any real race league they are just made up so you dont have a 1000hp car vs a 250hp car. Forza has changed almost every game also. In a true race you could have P for Prototypeā€¦GT for Grand Touring. In forza D isā€¦well just plan old D class lol nothing special to it. If you look all the GT cars from The ALMS are in the ā€œRā€ class in forza but not all R class cars in Forza would be in the GT class in real life. Since you can upgrade cars you can get to the same HP and handling and everything else so it is comparable to a racecar. As said above me look at the race you will be going toā€¦in your case the spring vintage series and look at what your car need to run in it. So if they say your car has to be from this year to this yearā€¦Cant have more then this much HP much weigh more then blankā€¦must have rollcage ect. You can then go to forza pick a car they run and then yourself set the car to the max you can based on real world rules. In forza that could mean your car is a D class or an A class all depends how much you can upgrade based on the series you are looking to imitate. Hope that helps some. /wall-o-txt

Thanks guys! Knowing that Forza isnt really following real world helps a lot :slight_smile: