Calling UK Racers - Rubbing is racing... not.... "Ramming is racing!"

Hey all,

I have got a decent friends list but most based in the US or Canada and given that most of my online time is weekday evenings I am looking to find some UK or European English speakers to race with, online free roam, and generally have fun with.

I condone a bit of mucking about but the online lobbies get a bit ridiculous endorsing ramming is racing rather than actually racing and enjoying the game.

If you want to, feel free to add me and I will see you online.

(Remember the 1 and the 0)

Ps: I play all sorts and always up for a social.

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I agree too much ramming by far

Getting fed up with the destruction derby style too. I’ll add you later as it’s also good to have more uk based peeps to race with.
SergiO1978 (not real name) I’m English I swear

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Im also tired of those people, ill add you on xbox to have some fun on horizon 2!

Yea I’m seriously fed up with racing idiots. There’s not sport in it. First corner it’s all over and when you try to pass them you just get muscled off into the trees. Feel free to add me

Benkid 08

It’s like Mario Kart
It’s nowhere near TDU2 good

Another three hour ramming session, and I will be forced to name them.
Take me down or ban me but its spoiling your game.
Granted it’s not a driving sim, but it’s getting damn near unplayable.

Threatened with punishment for naming cheats.
And being as I am on level 830 odd and race radio controlled cars in my spare time, please behave.
Why don’t the gods of this forum open it up to see if the whole community want to name and shame these helmets who are ruining it for everyone?
The response will be surprising.

Seriously though, it’s annoying to be told off by monitors when you are 41 years old.

We read and approve your posts as 41 year olds that act like they are adolescents are moderated so name away, no one will ever see it (except moderators) and you’ll likely not be a forum member very long.



I don’t want to upset anyone.
Apologies ladies and gents. Just the constant cheating riles me, especially with the time you need to put in to get the cars and money.
One other question : on one of the races, there is a down hill part where the front end bounce is making the cars undriveable.
It might be in Montellino.
Is anyone else getting this.
Sorry again,

had the same problem with montellino but raise the front ride height 2 inches more than the back and you will notice a massive difference. Id be up for racing! far to much ramming!

Add me guys and invite me for some clean racing, im from Wales and have been on forza since 2006.

Feel free to add me, I’m tired of people that just want to ram. Adz4u28