C-Class Championship Issues?

Hello, community.

Been a long-time member, but due to the forums sometimes being a little too crazy, I’ve been away a while. I’m back to ask a simple question.

I’ve been grinding out the career the last couple months, and I recently took up knocking out the C-Class Championship. Unfortunately, I get 3 races in, and now any time I try to enter the next race, the game restarts itself. I have tried this with multiple cars, to the same results.

I apologize if this is a highly covered glitch. I hadn’t found anything on it in the light searching I did.

Is this a known issue? Are there any known workarounds?

I am even willing to drive a Mustang if I have to in order to fix it! :wink:

Thank you all ahead of time.

its the road america glitch. http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst3970_Road-America---Problems-with-update-while-in-the-middle-of-a-series.aspx

helios posted about 10 days ago thanking people for their patience and no word since then

no work arounds yet that i am aware of other than deleting your save and restarting the game from scratch. but i would hold off on that until after the march update for titan fall. they may be waiting to release the patch incase the new update would just break it, or perhaps fix it. a fix for the sign in problem where you have to do a hardd reboot/cold restart is suposed to be in the update so perhaps that will also fix this problem. not sure when the update gets released but it will be before the 11th since thats when titanfall releases.

Thank you so much! I had noticed people mentioning issues with R-Class, but not C-Class. I had not realized they were the same thing.

I really appreciate it.