I have my main profile on my Xbox One and a second profile for my girlfriend who plays a few games from time to time. Since there is some money left on this second profile I’d like to know if I can buy the Porsche Expansion but play it with my main profile.
Will this work for Forza 6? Will I get access to VIR and the new cars automatically downloaded in my garage when I start the game, or is the money wasted because the expansion will be locked to the profile you bought it with?
If your XB1 is set as her main console then in theory it should work, since all purchases made on the account’s main console are available to all users of the same console.
But this of course is just a guess, I’m curious about this as well since I can’t get the expansion until Thursday and I wonder if it will be locked to my account only or all users will be able to use it too, since I share my XB1 with two other people and we all play Forza.
Just tested this theory out
My main profile has purchased the pack and received all the cars straight into the garge
Second profile has access to all the Porsche area and the cars were already in the garage as well
Wasn’t this way with all the other DLC packs though
But is with this one
Tried with a 3rd profile and the same thing happens
As soon as you go into the game it firstly goes into the Porsche area and a notice comes up saying adding the cars to your garage
Thank you talby71!
I heard about some locked DLC before but it looks I can give it a shot tonight. Hope it doesn’t matter that the profile is not the main profile on the console, but on the other hand I had no problem playing some indie games with the main profile but bought them with the other.