I’m a Drifter and Gripper at heart, but usually i just drift with friends or head into a pub for some good ole multiclass or time attack on F4. Horizon 2 is my first experience in the Horizon series btw.
So since it’s near impossible to run into any drifters, i just go to online road trip. Now i’m far from alien when it comes to gripping, but i can get at least a half a second within wr’s on controller and maybe within .300 on wheel. With thay being said, i can be beat easily if people on here stop hauling ass to each destination without focusing on speed instead of a drift and sideswipe everynow and then. That and waiting until your ahead to rack up skill points.
I will admit, S1 360 CS’s, A Darts, B 22bs and C MR-2s do some serious damage, and against a normal pub full of novices will be unbeatable.
Winding up in a infected or king match with only yourself and 1 other person is not fun. Penalize people who quit in the middle of a championship and give the option to quit and leave during the voting screen. I don’t mean to sound elitish or amazing, i’m just a good driver with years and years of experience of driving sim games on PC.
I can certainly see where you coming from. Iv never play pc sims but Iv been a hardcore racer on console since granturismo 1 on ps1 and played every granturismo and forza title on all consoles (cept ps4 obviously). Up until forza 5 both franchises always had a way to make custom lobbies to find likeminded ppl to play with. Not having this feature makes it increasingly hard to find likeminded players. We are forced to join lobby after lobby till we find some ppl drifting or whatever it is we are looking for. I just watched the video about storm island from ign and he talks about how having clubs makes it easy to find other likeminded players. Well Iv posted in the clubs forum more than once looking for a club that likes to roll race drag race and drift and have had no luck whatsoever. I find the road trip option in multiplayer rather annoying cuz I really don’t like infected/king. I’m not a fan of cross country either cuz I tend to like rwd cars and build them for streets. Cross country obviously requires a completely diff tuning style and awd is a big advantage aswell. Seems to me there should be more than one kinda road trip so we can build cars specifically for them and avoid all the little kids always quoting when an infected/king event pops up.