Brake/Reverse Problem.

I don’t know why or inexplicably had this type of issue with the brake/reverse button. Everytime when I hit the brakes to go in the corner and tried to accelerate on 1st or 2nd gear out of the corner. It all went to reverse on me and I had to start over to make it right. Is there a solution to this problem with the setting?

Try using manual instead of auto. You will be a lot faster if you do

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POV,not everyone can use manual due to disabilities!!

Being faster with manual isn’t a POV. Manual w/clutch is faster then auto. Yes I understand some people may not be able to, BUT the faster drivers use Manual w/clutch

If you have dead zones set at 0-100 move brake to 2-100.

Point of view on the disability part,not the being faster. Not trying to be a wise guy alot of us would use manual if we could,Curtis.

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Let’s not get off topic. I need to solve this issue so I won’t have any problems. I been playing Forza games and I had no problem with it until now.

I understand, all good dude.

You haven’t exactly made it easy for anyone to help. What settings and assists are you using?

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I’m on auto, using traction and stability control and using the d-pad and buttons.

Steer with the left analog stick and use the triggers for throttle and brake. Use buttons to shift gears. This is a proper setup enabling far superior control. If you run a manual transmission with buttons to switch gears, it will never go into reverse when braking unless you tell it to go into reverse.

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Or is there something to turn off reverse gear?

I’ll hazard a guess. Either you’ve managed to change your controller layout and you’re hitting a gear shift (you can still change gear on auto) or you’re holding the brake too long at too low a speed and making the software think you want reverse. Check controller layout and make sure you keep away from the shift buttons. A little practice with manual shift (it’s actually very easy and intuitive once you start using it) and this shouldn’t ever be a problem.

Here’s the video of my issue.

If you don’t want to use a manual trans, you SHOULD at least use RT and LT for gas and brake, and adjust your deadzones to 2/100 as suggested earlier in the thread.

The trigger buttons are digital-proportional, whilst the buttons are 0%/100%. This may be the source of your problem.

Also (and for the same reason), using d-pad and buttons generally won’t give you the degree of control required to drive properly.

I may have to do it. I already adapting the stick and trigger buttons on Horizon 2 with a degree of success.