Can anyone help me with the bolt on arch look any tips or vynils would be great thanks. Gamer tag KWANGYB0I
okay so say you have a blue car…
use the bold circle, in this case choose white so you can see what your doing, play with the sizing the way you want it to the wheel arch, you may need two or three circles depending how far round you wanna go… once thats set and your happy, then add a circle shade underneath the whole of the previous white image in dark grey so it just pokes out underneath it like 1mm or 2mm, change the opticity to your desire.
your looking to add the effect that its an add-on to the car the shade gives it depth.
then add tiny grey circles all around if you wish to look like pop rivets.
come away from the car and at certain angles this should now look like bigger arches.
hope that helps get you going it will take a lil playing around but you’l get there.