Big Problem, Help

Hey guys,
i have a big problem. When i go to my profile, it shows that my level is 0 but all the other statistics is correct. The real problem is when i try to play, in fact when i start a race from the career, the game crashes when loading so i can’t play in single player, but even in multiplayer where i can do a race, but after the race, when the game should give me credits, it crashes. So i can’t play both single and multiplayer. Can someone give me a help? Thank you.
(and sorry for my english :slight_smile: )

I am NOT saying this is the issue, but i wonder is your disc scratched, or do you have a digital download copy in which case is it possible to redownload maybe its become corrupt (could be the save files or something doing a similar thing.

But to be quite honest i have no clue just a thought or suggestion or two.

The disc is perfect, no scratch on it… I think that the problem is my profile, i play a lot in the single player and i passed the level 30, but now my level is 0.

I am thinking maybe somehow the save file has become corrupt, i dont see any other explanation (im no pro on these matters). But i have surpassed level 70 odd with no issue’s as yet, so i figure it has to do with some sort of information input.

Look at the disk from all angles for any small finger prints ,resetting the x box1 has helped me with some game problems ( hold white button on console for a few secconds). Also do a search on the forum to see if anyone else is having the same trouble.

Really really thank you… I press the button for a few second and now it’s work. I had to restart from the level 0 but now it’s work.

But there is a small problem now. I don’t have the limited edition car pack now. In fact i don’t found the limited car at the shop, but in my garage i have the limited TT, and i can’t use it. What can i do? Thank you

I think that is an indication that you have the car in your garage BUT you do not have LE car pack downloaded. You cannot use it because there is no car data to load.

To use it the car you would have to DL the LE car pack. I don’t have LE so I’m just taking a guess here.

Before you take the step and restart your career, try unistalling Forza 5 and all it’s content first, then install it (without playing), download the title update and your DLC and then start playing it again.
It will take quite some time to do this all though.