Best wheel for Next-Gen Forza

Being a Forza fan since the day I got my Xbox 360, I am wondering what the best wheel is for Forza, on Xbox One of course. Before I start I’ve had a wheel in the past, but it was a cheap Microsoft wheel with limited ability. So I never had the real experience that I would like to have on a racing game. I’m picking up my Xbox One soon, so before I buy a wheel, I would like to know which wheel works the best with Forza, and which is the most reasonable price? I’ve heard Thrustmaster wheels are truly amazing, but also Logictecs are good as well. Which wheel would you reccomend to use on Next-Gen Forza?

I got thrustmaster TX racing wheel with the TH8A shifter, and the GTE 458 challenge add on wheel 2 weeks ago. Very satisfied generally. The downside so to speak is, that the cooling fun starts very early, lets say after 10 minutes driving and the wheel some at some occasion reduces the FFB strength and eliminates rumbling effect completely until brushless rotor cools down, sth i find somewhat annoying. GTE wheel is a great, very cool looking wheel too. And is slightly wider than the original TX. I do not know about the madcatz, if it performs as good as the TX. I am waiting for the T3PA triple pedal set from thrustmaster next forthcoming as thrustmaster company revealed. I strongly suggest youto buy the TX along with the add ons esp. the GTE wheel, no hesitation. All together are somewhat costly though, around, 650 euros plaus 50 euros shipment charges…but someone should see the use in the long term.

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Alright thanks, as long as I get the best experience. Better quality does cost more so it’ll be worth it in the long run I think.

Dont buy any of the wheels, they are all garbage. Save your money.

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