Beginner, but improving... Have a problem though

Hey all,

I’m sure I’m an oldhead to most of you, but I just got into Forza 3 weeks ago. Haven’t bothered with video games in 20+ years, but the commercials for Xbox and Forza 5 had me itching to give it a try. Now I’m hooked like a junkie.

Anyway… I struggled mightily with it at first (and still do with certain things), but have finally come in first place on unbeatable level without using a rewind. Chevy Dallara DW12 on Bernese track (my personal favorite). Probably a minor accomplishment to most of you, I know, but I was pretty pumped about it.

There is something that is driving me crazy with the game though. I have about 50 cars in my garage now. Somewhere around 35 of them, I can drive with ease. The other 15 (Nissan GTR is the worst), are simply impossible to drive. The best way I can explain it is the game seems to literally take control of these cars for me. Kind of like there is a preset path to follow with them. If you deviate from that path at all, the car violently shakes and goes out of control. Like its trying to correct you and if you don’t let it, that’s it, you’re crashing. It does it at every point on all the tracks with these cars. Doesn’t matter if its a curve, a hairpin turn, or a simple straight away. I’ve fooled around with all of them long enough to realize that if you follow “the path,” then everything is fine. Problem is, you can’t pass anyone. I figured it out by just letting all the other cars get ahead of me a good bit. Then I follow the “path” and everything is great. This “path” doesn’t make sense either. I don’t mean the drive line either (I have that turned off most off the time). its different from the driveline. The most obvious spot is at the end of Sebring. Coming out of that long turn just before you get to the finish line, all of the problem cars pull me into the pit area. If I resist in any way and try to steer away from it, the car will go insane every time and crash. On Prague, the turn at the very top of the hill (the highest point on the track) does it too. If you take the car wide on that turn, its fine. However, if you try to take the inside path, the car will crash every single time. It just gets to a point and the car is pulled violently to the outside. If you resist, it acts as if you’re over correcting. The Nissan GTR, BMW M3, Citreon DS3 and the Jaguar XKR-S all just sit in my garage without ever being used because of this. I have more than enough other cars to use that I can overlook it, but its frustrating to know that there are certain cars I can’t use.

I know it sounds like it, but its not a matter of me just being a mediocre driver in the game. For the most part, I drive with just ABS on. No automatic brakes or steering. I’ve tried it with the steering set to all three levels with these cars, but it makes no difference. I do have traction control and stability control on though. These 15 cars are completely undrivable without them on. Many of the other cars I have, I turn traction and stability control off. Depends on the car…

Any thoughts?


Have you tried different tunes on them? And then not used the path.

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On most of them, I upgraded the tires, shocks, control arms, added a differential, lowered the HP, etc. The only one that truly improved was a 1971 Skyline. It went from undrivable to being decent. Its severely underpowered in order to keep it in the D class, so I can’t use it against anything better than above average and win. The problems with that car still exist, its just such a cream puff now that the problems are subdued. It still pulls into the pit area on Sebring though. I have to let it do its thing, then steer it away at the last possible second. I bought it for one of the competitions in career mode, but its really of no use to me now.

Its got to be a glitch of some kind. I have an Audi R8 that is amazing and I can drive it anyway I want. Yet, a GTR is a nightmare. Both high powered AWD drive cars and they are night and day different. Another good comparison is the Lotus 2-eleven and the KTM X-bow. I can drive the Lotus without a problem at all. The X-bow is a joke. Both pretty comparable cars too.

In the upgrade menu push the button with two little squares and load tune set ups. It will bring up custom tunes for your cars and worm tunes usually handle really well.

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having the right tune is more important than ever in this latest Forza. if you have the wrong tune, you’ll almost certainly have extreme difficulty. try downloading some tunes. i always recommend Tuned By Worm-- his tunes are the best. however, if that doesn’t work for you, you might be like me: with few exceptions, i almost always have to tune my own cars. other people may be better tuners, but unless i actually know how a car is set up, i have a hard time understanding the best way to drive it, so unless i simply cannot make a good tune for a car (F50 and Ford GT, for example) i use my own tunes.

that being said, i don’t know if you have a tuning problem, or even a specific car problem. i think you have Sim Steering on, and certain cars just show it worse than others. make sure you have your steering set to normal, unless you are capable of simply impossible precision with the tiny little thumbstick. if you go to correct oversteer with sim steering, unless your name is keiichi tsuchiya, you will crash every single time.

I’ve never noticed certain cars needing to follow a specific line. I do however feel your pain on the Nissan GT-R. Running it stock ( or upgraded ) without custom tuning the car is jut horrid to drive. It doesn’t do anything that’ I want it to and everything I want it not to do LOL. Even with tuning, the GT-R is just a car I don’t ever have luck driving. If you haven’t put much time into custom tuning, it’s not going to be an easy/instant fix, but I find it one of the most enjoyable (yet time consuming) aspects of the game.

Ihatethismap Is pointing you in the right direction, I used a lot of Tunes By Worm in my earlier days. They are solid, forgiving tunes nod easy to drive. I tend to prefer Raceboy77 tunes on some cars and I have tuned plenty of my own cars. I’m still having trouble tuning specialty cars like the F50, X-Bow, And Ariel so I use others tunes. I am struggling with tuning one of my favorite cars, the Ford Mustang GT500, but it’s getting better.
