I started playing the series at Forza 2 but really fell in love with 3 and 4. Went unemployed for a while so only got a chance to buy an XB1 last year. I missed my shot at FM5 and 6 so I was quite looking forward to 7 but reading around has me doubtful. What’s going on? The whole VIP and Loot Crate news sounds pretty abysmal, not to mention the restrictions on multiplayer and content creation (no storefront?).
I’m primarily a career mode grind and car collection kind of guy but even that seems limited by what I’ve been reading. I feel like I should wait to buy if at all. I know there are some real long-lived fans around here with far more driving competence and creativity so I’m looking for some community opinion. I loved this series on the X360 and I’m wanting to believe it hasn’t suffered such a drop in playability.
If you’re into career and collecting then FM7 was made for you.
VIP is all fixed and don’t pay much attention to the debate on loot boxes. They’ve just replaced prize spins from 5 and 6 and despite what you may have read, they don’t require additional purchase.
Variety and number of cars available
On track experience with a force feedback steering wheel
A bit more freedom in Freeplay mode
Tuning and upgrading trackside
If you know Forza, you will work out the best way to get the most out of FM7, despite the many annoyances.
If you have a force feedback steering wheel this the pick of the XB1 titles.
FM6 may be a better all round experience for career mode if you like traditional Forza career + car collection and use a controller.
Beware! Since Forza 1, T10 has done a complete U-Turn on what made the earlier games great. F7was built from the ground up for future micro-transactions, and the graphics (on Xbox One anyway) took a big hit since 5 and 6, to accommodate 4K/HDR/night/day/weather, which may or may not look better on Xbox One-X. The worst part is that the multiplayer features have been stripped down to almost nothing. You have virtually no freedom to create custom online races, can’t start a private lobby on your own, can’t add AI cars to any lobby, no storefronts, auction house is still MIA, no ghost rivals, no car PI classes, no drifting, fewer tracks compared to 4, etc. etc. If you enjoyed the presentation of earlier Forzas, be prepared for culture shock in 7. It’s a cheap Dirt 2/Horizon imitation, with generic guitar riffs, amateurish voice work, and twerking drivers in ridiculous driving suits replacing the classy, dignified presentation from years gone by. Maybe that’s progress. The driving is still solid, but the freedom and variety are all but gone. If any of this concerns you, maybe try to rent before buying, or at least hold off and see if some of the missing features are added later on.
The voice work largely consists of simple voiceover narration from professional drivers and TV presenters. The drivers impatiently shift their weight from one leg to the other - it’s not even full-on pee-pee dance, much less twerking. And while there are some ridiculous racing suits, there’s also a wide selection of tame, respectable designs.
A fair portion of the complaining is this sort of melodramatic hyperbole, spewing forth like lava from the eruption of Mt. St. Molehill. Your best bet, if possible, would be to rent the game and see for yourself if you like it, OP.
People around here are disappointed because they’re generally comparing the structure of FM6 and FM5 to FM7.
In FM6 (not sure about FM5), credits rained on you because of wheelspins and reward bonuses from FM.net. Plus the race payout was a little higher too. In FM7, you have to work for what you want. So I think this game’s for you.
I think you’ll appreciate the new cars (compared to Forza 4), the new tracks and the overall much improved gameplay compared to Forza 4.
I’m loving Forza 7 so far. The positives far outweigh the negatives. I picked the right time to invest in a wheel. Forza 7 is night and day better than 6. Some people make it seem like prize crates are a huge deal but with discounts you pretty much get a new car every time you level up like you did in 4. Here are my cons with most of them not being major.
Dynamic weather and time of day not available on all tracks or at least time of day.
Dramatically decreased amount of showcase events in career and only one or two maybe endurance races unless you manually set a race to extra long.
Still waiting on some multiplayer rooms and features like leagues and the Modern GT Endurance hopper.
AI paint bug not fixed yet. It’s weird to go against a field of matte gray cars.
No specific time and weather options like you see in Project Cars.
No option to set up or blueprint your own championship series.
FM3 & 4 are my favorite Forzas by far and what made them great is not in FM7. The easily accessible tuning, car spec menus / filters in the garage, open class restrictions (everything is now homologated or limited, even in career, lack of engine swaps, lack of realistic engine swaps, vehicle audio is off and sounds incorrect at times, and a clumsily accessible test drive location have ruined the game for me. True the game has better graphics, they finally updated shift times for paddle shift cars, and there are more tracks but this game and the Forza series has gone from a fun simulator I could play all day with unrestrcted access to any car I could buy to a Forza Horizon-ish game that puts more effort into what your driver is wearing than allowing people to actually build and use what there heart desires. This game was aunched so very incomplete (no marketplace yet, no online drag racing, or class specific online, features that did’ make it in before launch are all evident. This game seems like it was rushed and lost what made it great in the past. I regret paying $100 for this game.
As one said above, credits are not handed out to easily in 7 and I like it this way. Career can be short, long or extremely long. I found out after about 8 races you can make it longer than 3 laps, so I’m doing 10-13 lap races now and get a reward or 2 (cars) after each race. You could set it even longer which last I checked were mainly 40 lap races, f that. So not short at all, unless you meant limited in some other way. All in all, I’m loving it. Just waiting for them to update multiplayer hoppers with more, although I’d expect it to be at least a month after release or longer. Career will definitely hold me off until then though.
Much better. In FM4, you couldn’t dress up as an astronaut and have your driver stand in front of your car and constantly squirm and stretch around as opposed to standing still. Forget car/track lists, this is what sold me on this game. Plus it’s 4K 60FPS I might add, since the stupid marketing team didn’t even mention that one time.
Just for some background I’ve played Forza Motorsport 1 through 6 (also played the first two Horizon games but dint like them). I too agree Forza 4 was the best game. The disc is permanently in my Xbox 360 and I still play it once a month because it’s so good. I had ordered Forza 7 but cancelled my pre-order after hearing about some of the game’s features. Everyone on this forum does not seem to like the game.
I broke down last night and bought the game. Played it for about 2 hours. It’s better than I thought it would be honestly. The actual racing is better with the homologation. I like racing stock vehicles in free play so it plays like past games in that respect. I also found the handling to be better than Fora 5/6. Cars seem to have more grip like in Forza 4. If you are into upgrading cars I can see how people would be upset with homologation restrictions. I haven’t tried multiplayer but heard there are lots of issues (no drivatars in private lobbies for example). The menus and the animated drivers are silly and are clearly taken from Forza Horizon. I’m not a fan of the loot boxes either, however, I just avoid them and get credits or cars when I level up. I don’t like how around 100of the cars are locked and have to obtained from career mode, Forzathon, specialty dealer etc. You should just be able to buy anything you want. The tiered collecting isn’t too bad as you level up quick. I made it to tier 4 after a few hours of play. Graphics are good but not quite Forza 5/6. You’ll need a PC or Xbox One X for the best graphics I assume.
So I’d give it a try honestly. It has flaws but the racing is good. I’m hoping Turn 10 fixes lots of things going forward like how they fixed the VIP scandal.
I am having a blast on FM7. Career actually has a point rather than generating credits, and multiplayer isn’t about everyone running top 10 leaderboard cars. Honestly I can’t wait for Leagues in the upcoming weeks. However I do not like that drifting and drag racing hoppers are not available, even though I rarely dab into these in previous games.