Getting rid of Forza before i blow a vessel!
Had enough of the new wave of idiots on this game!
I put it down to people getting the game free with console and just coming on to have a smash up because they think its funny!
I also think that some people get jealous of us that are quite high up on the leader boards and target us from the off.
Ive played Forza from Forza 2 and found the community to be one if not the best around! But when you start to get frustrated its time to put the game down.
Goodbye and have fun!(if you can!)
PS: Turn 10, if you care about your community you will listen to it! Bring in some rules that will eliminate Corner cutters and Crash teams. Also, add some C4 to the rails on all bends on Bernese Alps to stop the huggers!! Just a thought!