Banned for what reason?

I just logged into my profile to get a message that I’m banned from designs and tunes. May I please ask why? I have been playing Forza since the beginning. I have never hacked, glitched, crashed other players. I’m not the greatest racer or designer. But I love this game and always will. So what did i do wrong? Let me know please. My gamertag is RIOTxUphill.

Have you put anything explicit on a design and put it up for others to use ?

No. I have my club tags and a few others. I do have one that says “I POOPED TODAY” . But that shouldn’t be explicit or vulgar.

It’s hard for me to speculate because I don’t know what the censored word is there.

You didn’t have a “shocker,” did you? It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant so many people are with that. In previous games, I must have reported a hundred of those.

Well it blocked the word out, so that must be it. I didn’t think it was bad. I have seen much worse on the storefront with nothing happening to those who put it up. But I was just trying to be humorous.

The same Code of Conduct applies here as it does within Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon. Bans are not discussed on these forums. If you have questions, write to Turn 10 at

Alright. Sorry about that.

Well there you go you should never use any kind of explicit or racist or anything like that in anything you do on forza,i understand it was probably a joke to you but you just cant put things like that up.get intouch with forza with the link snowowl has provided for you and plead yr case.

Good luck.