Audio soundbar time delay question for forza 5, experts please!

I got the Polk Audio N1 soundbar with FORZA 5 EQ!!!

It’s hoked up to my Samsung LED, and when I select it I have an option for PCM time delay for digital audio out.

What should I set this to? I can set from 0 on.

Thanks guys!


You will need to adjust it until you have no delay between whats happening on screen and what comes out of your speakers. It’ll be dependant on the rest of your AV kit, leaving it at 0 may be fine.

Thanks I heard from Polk Audio yesterday. They said

"Good morning JM, this is Ken from Polk Audio. We usually don’t recommend setting up an audio PCM delay. That is something that we don’t do. "

It’s just a soundbar via optical to an led with xbox hooked up hdmi. I’m thinking the PCM delay is more for TV / Movies as it’s a Samsung feature not an xbox or polk audio feature.

It’s very hard to tell if it’s perfectly timed or not but it does have an affect on your driving as FOrza 5 is very sound driven.

It’s usually to sort out lip syncing issues on films. The way to test it would be to play a game where you have a character on screen speaking. You’d be able to tell if it was slightly out as it would look like they are badly dubbed. On something like forza it’s unlikely to be an issue even if it’s slightly out anyway tbh