Using forzatune 6 to get a base setup for the r18 e-tron because its just topping out on the straights and i’m getting destroyed (difficulty set to highly skilled) I’ve not added much to the stock car other than some wider rear tires to get slightly better grip and to allow for some over steer that suits me.
i’ve setup the base tune that forzatune 6 has given me and adjusted the camber to fix the issue with the tire heat and the car feels a lot more responsive now but the gear tune its given me seems to destroy acceleration and top speed, the top speed for the car is around 204mph but what im seeing is about 0.6 seconds added to the acceleration times to 60 and 100 and then a top speed of around 175mph with this
Now the gears setup seem to be set too high and the final drive seems to cause most of the issues being set as low as possible. everything set around 30% lower gives slightly better results with the final drive being set about 10% higher than default.
does anyone know a better way to calculate a better way to the fastest acceleration while maintaining a higher top speed. I’m trying to also keep it so it wont unnecessarily shift down during corners.
My advice would be to watch your rpm and make sure you’re staying in the right gear so you’re at highest powerband as much as possible, look at the graph in the upgrade engine section to check the max rpm for torque and ajust accordingly
If you look at the HP & T curve, you will notice that the HP continues to increase over the rpm range until about 5160 rpm. Then the Torque curve actually starts dropping at about 2700 rpm, so, a little difficult to maneuver to get both maximum acceleration and the Top Speed. At the default Aero values (496 F / 869 R), the maximum TS will be 204.5 mph. I tested it at LeMans and indeed hot the 204mph. So, in order to address your request, you’ll need to ensure to use all 7 gears for maximum accel, yet, keep in mind that this does limit you since you lose time every time you shift. If you want higher speed, you will have to reduce the aero values. The top speed will be dictated by the Final Drive and the Last Gear you expect to use. I am now assuming you’ll have a somewhat long track to use all 7 gears and a more “generic” tune to be used in several tracks.
As far as the gears, give this a shot and let me know how it goes…3.66 // 4.00 / 2.60 / 1.85 / 1.35 / 1.00 / 0.75 / 0.55…
Well it was during i think the 5th career set, on the 1st set of races, so it was mostly tracks with long amount of straights where I was able to reach top speed about half way along them, or sooner, so it wasn’t so much a tune for competitive races, just so i didn’t need to drop the difficulty and lose some credit%. This is why I wanted a max top speed (204 since i couldn’t upgrade anything other than rear tires and it still be legal for the race) but also acceleration so I could make up for lost time where the AI could always seem to catch upto me on long straights but they are for some reason useless at cornering and often understeered or braked when I could just fly around acute corners.
Ran a quick check on the car and it is very drivable at min aero, which will give you a top speed of 213.7 mph. As far as your question around shifting around corners, it all depends what you are trying to do and at what level you are keeping your revs. Yet, you can modify your individual gears to suit either shifting (or not) at specific corners - make them shorter or longer depending on what your need might be at a specific track/corner.