Organizing your galleries

It would keep the forum a lot tidier and easier on the eyes for users if we had individual releases for quick linking. You could then link them in the provided Gallery subforum instead of having one mixed up thread with things everywhere. If you have multiple cars release a pack, release multiple cars, etc.

Not saying it has to be done this way, it would just be easier on everyone. You could then link your gallery in your sig or advertise it in your individual releases.

Also, I would encourage anyone running a tuning comp or any comp for that matter to read this and sign up here!

Yeah I’m happy to do this . Feels odd having 2 threads that are identical up anyway …

Can any one help Since last year August I have not been able to go onto the any of the marketplaces or store fronts has anyone experienced this issue ? what should I do No paint schemes no tunes nothing available . FM4

You get banned for something? About the only reason I know unless you have a goofy parental setting to block content. Don’t even know if this exists anymore.

Yes. This is the way I’ve liked it. When there were clubs, a club would have a release pack or single car with a nice big collage of the car in various poses with a description of it’s capabilities, times, best compatible tracks, etc… Even then when there weren’t clubs, clubs still existed. Not having a Storefront never stopped releases in the past from happening and they still shouldn’t stop them now. For sure.

I have various bookmark files of past teams who posted releases where I have ‘cars I’ve driven’ and ‘cars I need to drive’ so that I don’t loose track of who’s tunes/releases I still need to try. Permalinks in gallery threads aren’t a big deal to keep track of but not having a fancy release poster kind of makes it ‘eh’. Not to say they’re not still good tunes! But I much like a better presentation to get me amped to try a new tune, even if nobody’s making credits off them. The release method worm is talking about is better, IMO.

The better release styles I miss the most are the FM2 auction releases. Man, those were crazy fun. Releasing a car was like an event. I still like what we have now, though because it’s better than nothing. It does provide more freedom to do your own thing within the community in certain aspects. I’ll always keep coming back to the TM. Lots to look forward to when you’ve been away a couple days.

Presentation can add a lot to a tune release.


Thx Worm. I posted my latest challenge in there

not sure if my thread is simple enough, but i like to put a whole list out for everyone to see so they can just pick and choose, whenever i add something i just post on it saying so.