Aston Martin DBR9

I was thinking about buying an Aston Martin DBR9. Just wondering if it can be upgraded to a p class and if I would be limited to what I could upgrade

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Yes you can but please dont. It’s called P(rototype) class for a reason. Any other car upgraded so it reaches the PI of P class is just asking for mayhem in the 1st corner of each race.

use the db9 for r class. i like it. i could win with it on every track except lemans. there with the saleen i won half the time. with the right tune is fast and good handling. my other fav r class was the 2008 dodge viper tuned to r class. you can tune it to p class but i doubt you win with it. you’ll be to heavy and accelerate too slow. you’ll lose time in the corners and straights.

Ah thanks. I was wondering whether it would have competed with the Le Mans cars if upgraded but obviously not. I best start saving for a Le Mans car then