Ok,so Im getting fairly decent and want to start turning off assists that I use… I use abs,traction control and stability control.
Which one should I drop first or should I go cold turkey on all three?
I notice people with same tune on same exact car will be faster off the line then me.Will removing the above assists allow me to get off the line faster?Im assuming yes becuz the traction control is prolly holding me back a little.
All of them! Just go cold turkey. =)
But, if you really want to turn them off one by one I’d probably start with ABS. The reason for this is you’ll probably end up locking up a lot more which will not be as quick to slow down as having ABS. This will mean you’ll be coming into the corner too hot and leaving stability control on will help you get around the corner even with the extra speed. Once you figure out braking without assist then turn off stability which will probably then force you to brake earlier and take the corner slower until you get a feel for that. The other one is traction control. This helps prevent wheel spin. Just turn that off right now. No reason to have that on. Just control the throttle.
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Before you turn any of the assists off, Go practice for a while, Your goal what you are aiming for is checking that that ABS TCS or STM symbols would light up only couple times on a lap.
ABS costs you the most time, Therefore ABS first, Reasons mentioned by IDriveOneHanded in post above.
STM 2nd. as that costs you the 2nd most. How ever you might end up sliding quite lot in some cars. but TCS is still helping that you would not overwhelm the grip by powering out of the turn
TCS last. it’s bit tricky depenig on your preferred class, On low power high grip cars you barely notice it, but on high power or low grip cars it becomes painfully obvious.
I suggest that you keep hotlapping or racing with drivatars while you gradually remove the assists, so surprising situations wouldn’t make you an “online wrecker” so to speak. It’s not too easy unless your usual cars are very low class cars.
Forgot to say, Do it in fast pace, like over a course of 1-3 hours. so it isn’t straight off everything, but almost, Therefore you feel the individual assits drop out and how they affect, but don’t have time to learn “new way” which wouldn’t be used for long.
Cold turkey! Otherwise you will be learning to drive a new way after each dropped assist. Could get confusing. If you aren’t using clutch…you should. my advice for clutch would be what worked for me. Get a low E class car without any upgrades and take it to a easy track and get shifting down. After a few hours I was blowing away old times. Most shared tunes unless specified work best without assists. You’ll be amazed how much better your driving experience will be!
i sometimes use traction control on some cars
i been going no assist playing this game little time since 4 and i got the abs part down for most part the feed back in the triggers work thing to remember is to ptu all your dead zones in controller settings at 0 to 100 expect for clutch and the other one i forget which
but it helps remember if the tires are squealing you can’t turn and your losing speed. traction control and stability is hard for me to get grips with on controller
Another approach to take is to turn everything off, choose a slow car, a short track that you know very well and hotlapping without any other cars on the track. Just concentrate on keeping your laps clean and smooth and you’ll naturally get faster.
Take the pressure off so you can just focus on the driving and it’ll gradually feel natural.
STM and TCS really interfere with my driving style so I can’t work with them on very well. ABS can be ok for me but I still turn it off so I can lock up my wheels should I want or even need to.
I would say start with tcs and stm off same time. When you deactivate this assists first give you better feel for the car which helps you when you learn breaking without abs. To develop the right feeling for the brakes will cost you more time because you must find the right settings that supports your driving style. You must brake really soft in fm because wheels look up very fast. To find the right break points take some time.
Thanks for the tip. This really helped:)