Are you guys still entertained?


I’m entertained for about a week efter every new dlc packs and tracks, then it gets repetitive really fast. …

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After purchasing 6 more games for the x1 and trying them out, I always come back to Forza 5. The physics is so real that it actually makes me feel like I own these cars in real life. I’m definitely enjoying this game. After all, it was the sole reason for buying the x1. Good job T10. Thanks!

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I’m not online, so i don’t know whats on there. But i’d love to see some ‘real world races’ such as a championship where each race isn’t 3 laps… more like 20-50 laps with pit stops. For a race simulator i honestly can’t remember the last race i watched on tv being only 2 laps… :frowning:

Well, I can’t say I’m bored.

My highest level profile (of three) is only at about level 60 though. I don’t play anywhere near has much has past versions, and if I was, I’d likely be leveled up beyond level 700 by now. At least 700.

But I’m not bored in the sense that when I do pick it up, I play for at least a few hours, and then I switch to another game. It’s not like I quit in disgust or anything. I just have other games to be playing, that I enjoy just has much, and that divides my time.

Hopefully the next one will hold more attention though. I’m picky about games, and so far this gen Xbox is turning out like last gen’s PS3, where I spent most of the first year not using it, due to lack of games that spark that addiction level of interest.

I checked out your twitch channel and you have a gaming schedule. Schedules mean responsibility. Responsibility means you created a second frickin job. I think you’re bored because you come home from work and feel like you have to go back work. No one wants to go back to work. Get a wheel if you don’t have one and try dominating Forza 5 using it. You might actually enjoy driving instead of being bored playing Forza. The few days I raced Forza with a controller before I received my TX wheel were excruciating. Kudos to those of you who have raced this long with a controller. I would be bored out of my mind also if I had to use a controller.

I really like your latest tunes. Between you and Bryce MW I just might become the most competitive X class lobby racer in the gray hair league. I truly appreciate having the benefit of your many hours used to create competitive tunes for those of us who don’t have the time to do it ourselves, but still have the desire to win!


I’m bored. Mainly because of the poor selection of cars you have to choose from. I look through the list of cars and most don’t look like they belong on a track.

I’m the type of person that will look at a car and ask myself if it will look good with Forza Aero on. If not, I can’t see why I would want to use it.

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There’s only three games currently which are making it into my disc tray. LEGO The Hobbit (for some co-op with my fiancé), Battlefield 4 (with my mates) and Forza 5 (when I’m on my own).

I went through a period a few weeks ago when I was getting rather bored of Forza for similar reasons to those The Spidie has mentioned. I’d given myself the challenge of grinding all the remaining career championships (which were the championships I didn’t really enjoy). This made playing Forza feel like a chore which wasn’t enjoyable.

But recently I’ve taken a break from grinding championships and chasing leaderboard glory. I’ve embarked on a journey of discovery, leaving my more familiar rides in the garage and grabbing the keys to vehicles which I’ve never really driven before in game. I have to say that this has brought an entirely new lease of life to FM5. I’ve even started joining the online tag lobbies (which is a first for me), enjoying the completely different context this gives to vehicles. In career mode the likes of the Caterham was frustration incarnate, but in online tag lobbies the Caterham is nothing more than a barrel of laughs.

For me this has always been one of the great strengths of the Forza series. There are so many sides to the game. Whenever my enthusiasm dwindles in one area I can mix it up and enjoy a different aspect of the game.

Of course, that doesn’t stop me looking forward to additional content and Forza Horizon 2.

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Got bored quickly & was sick to death of numerous faults & glitches, not just with this game but the bobbins console it was unfortunately paired with. So much so that both my wheel & console are now elsewhere in the country, hopefully being made more use of than i did with them.
Be back in a few years when the game & console are both upto scratch & by that i mean working properly with the sort of content a so called next generation game deserves not old material recycled & touted as new being “built from the ground up”.
Basic features that are sorely missed would go a long way to perking things up too but months after launch here we are still waiting while big motorsport features like “tag virus” are sorted along with making sure DLC is always at the forefront of any updates. No doubt “soccer” will be here soon too…because motorsport again obviously.

Been here since Day 1 and still loving it. My favorite thing is just to go to rivals and pound lap after lap in a car I enjoy driving. Lately I have been driving the Ford Coyote or an Indycar and just driving 20 laps or more at Long Beach. It’s like free practice but I make money from it which is nice. I also run no assists at all. This makes every new car I buy a great new challenge. Learning when to step on the throttle, when to brake, how it turns. There are still many cars I haven’t driven, so there is still much more to learn. I can see getting bored really quick if you use traction control and a driving line…

Just wondering what faults and glitches you have experienced? I have had the console since Day 1 and haven’t noticed a single issue…

Tbh, I also have been struggling with motivation to play lately. Just when I made the decision to go full manual w/clutch and no ABS, I got bored with the game. Career is finished altho I have the bonus races I could do. Guess it would be good to do those while practicing with the clutch… I just need some motivation. Not sure where to find it because I do love the game. I dunno… Maybe its just a phase.

I try to imagine what would make it better for me… What would rekindle the fire. I think the biggest thing for me is that none of my actual, real life friends who I used to play with on Forza 4 have made the transition. They are the only people I raced with online in private lobbies, half the time playing cat n mouse. Now it’s just me. Career in F5 was ok for a while but the tracks finally became monotonous. I’d race online now but I don’t feel like going thru the process of listening to rabid idiots being foul and the work of muting and blocking or whatever.

Thinking about it, what would make the game more interesting for me without my friends is adding time change, or night racing (think of how much more immersive that experience would be). Adding weather. Adding more GT cars. Adding cat n mouse. (not trying to add a “wish list” here, just really imagining what would cure the bore for me)

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I go through phases of having fun on the track to having fun in the design editor. It’s the best physics yet, with the best design options yet, and the selection of cars is perfectly fine, if not as expansive as some would like.

Don’t get me wrong, I have my problems with the game, and more GT cars would be greatly appreciated, but boredom? Never.

Everything eventually gets boring, even Forza. Still, I keep coming back for the thrill of competition and a perverse desire to develop the perfect tuning method. Racing is bubble gum for the eye/hand and tuning is bubble gum for the mind. Forza has as much playability as any game I’ve ever owned. Sometimes I get tired of eating steak every day and opt for bowl of cheese grits.

Same here :frowning:

  1. Lost motivation to paint.

  2. Where have all the fast guys gone in public lobbies? Racing around 8-12 seconds a lap faster than the fastest guy in the lobby gets a little tedious. Even got in a badly tuned Transit and still ended up 3 seconds a lap quicker. I understand there are people of different levels but have always noticed that if the fast guys are playing the game then the game is stronger. X racer wants to beat Y racer on a certain track and car. This filters down through the different abilities of players and all end up playing. The slower guys want to get quicker by aiming at the faster guys. But no one seems to care who is faster than who.

  3. Community is fragmented. It is still there but it is a pale shadow of what it once was. Back on Forza 2 and Forza 3 you could post a new picture of a car you have painted or a tune and in 5 hours you would be 2 pages back on the posts page. Now if you post one up you may be there for 1-2 weeks before going to the second page.

I still enjoy it but not the 6-8 hours a night per generation. Think I now play 6-8 hours a week if I am lucky.

Good post. I would have to agree. The other day I was running stock C class cars just to lose and that didn’t always work. Found out the NSX isn’t bad bone stock. I have found a few people who could hold me up for some good racing but thats a rarity. Not sure where all the fast guys went. It gets really boring after a few races.

And yea I have little desire to create new tunes for the masses. The desire to shoot for those hard to get badges just doesn’t feel that much fun anymore. I don’t feel like looking at new cars or buying car packs to mess around with new cars.

I do still hotlap, but once I get done with D class I doubt I’ll touch any others for a while. The lack of a tangible goal to shoot for is holding me back. Never thought I would miss overall leaderboards.

Play it all of the time. Working on finishing career, and my friend and I work on cars all of the time (I paint it, he tunes it). Multiplayer is still a lot of fun, and we do little challenges like build a car for a certain amount of money and test them against each other.

Does anyone even remotely fast play anymore???


So that’s a no…