Are there such things as racing ethics?

Happily racing along on a straight,minding my own business when a Drivatar suddenly smashes into me at high speed, knocking me into a spin and effectively taking me out of the race. Of course I can rewind but if the drivatars don’t have any ethics, it makes me wonder if racing ethics are oxymorons. Are there such things? Almost all sports have written or unwritten conventions to which those who participate adhere, and sportsmanship is respected in almost every contested sport. Does anybody have any “understood” ethical “rules” to which most racers adhere, or has anybody got a link to articles where this topic might be discussed?

Yeah, there are ethics, but the specifics can widely vary on the finer points around here. Heck, it can vary widely on pretty much any of the points when the thread goes on long enough. The trick is to find a group that fits with your idea of racing ethics.

The AI, on the other hand…The AI is just evil. XD


The problem is some people will behave themselves online but against the AI they let loose.

After all they should be able to play how they like against AI. The only problem is their drivatar then learn that bad behaviour.

Having said that my career races are very clean - no drivatars get up to any serious shenanigans.

Are there ethics in racing?

IRL: Yes.

Among ppl who play this game with a concience to others enjoying the game: Yes.

By and large, in online MP hoppers: No.

A sure sign that things are getting out of hand online, is that this is the 3rd thread about online behaviour in the past couple weeks, whether it’s over ppl’s driving habits or verbal abuse. It’s getting pretty deplorable out there.

The drivatars do not have ethics and if you look deep into their eyes you can see all the emptiness inside them. I’ve tried to make them laugh, smile or even cry but to no avail.

As with all sports there are un written codes generally adhered to. It gets a bit fuzzy when converting those codes to a video game and allowing millions of people to play from the comfort and annoynimity of their living room.

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Point 1) Yes, there are such things, but they are esoteric ideas, that AI isn’t advanced enough on a game console to interpret and understand. It might be taxing even for IBM’s Watson.

Point 2) For normal players: never heard of it; for respectful Forza veterans: agreed; for Drivatars: cannot compute


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In real motorsports there are rules and standards and you will be penalized for breaking them. This is a game wherein many don’t care. Their Drivatars adopt that don’t-care attitude. Worse, Drivatars don’t take damage even when you have it turned on, so there’s no real consequences for them plowing into you and no motivation for them to care.

I find it interesting that many times I have read that AI don’t take damage.

I find this interesting because I have seen them damage themselves to the point of dropping back, has well has pitting to fix it. This has happened in a number of free play/custom MP lobbies, though I don’t recall ever seeing it in career, so maybe that’s the difference.

I tend to do most of my racing in FP, or a custom MP private lobby, where I can exert more control over the race setup. Perhaps it is only in career where they have this invincibility?

Edit- Oh wow! Just tested it for myself by going the wrong way round in a career race, and now I see what people mean. Invincible tanks, even hit head on, at full tilt. I’m starting to wonder if it’s only in the MP lobbies that I’ve seen AI take the damage also.

Drat. Eventually I get around to abusing AI, and now this takes most of the fun out of it. Guess I didn’t need that third account for messing around after all. PPPPPPFT!

willing to bet most people that come on here complaining of crashes are at least partly at fault most of the time.

I try to avoid contact as much as possible when racing online. Of course it’s not always possible and accidents do happen, but if I nudge someone in a way that disadvantages them, I’ll slow down or stop in order to return the advantage.

I’ll openly admit however that I don’t always behave so nicely in career mode, which probably negatively impacts the Drivatar system, but that’s what happens when Turn 10 makes racing championships for SUV’s and pick-ups. (Not saying there’s anything wrong with them, I just don’t personally like racing them).