Arcade is Fixed

Someone’s salty. Lost a few friends because they cut you off due to too much begging to do Arcade?

That’s good news, it won’t be neglected in the Playlist completion, speaking of that, I’ll see if I can play it through the unending bugs that next gen consoles have to set a all around build for a Corvette, I’ll set the Supra GR and Bronco once the herd of bugs are down…

hOrIzOn ArcAdE iS sUpOsEd To Be A cO-oP eXpErIeNcE.

Lot of people whining over a quick fix. If you want to play the arcade as Co-op then find someone to do it with co-op. Don’t pretend that being able to complete challenges for season events is somehow worse than an element of the game being unplayable. Many other elements of the game are single player based. Having Horizon Arcade achievable through single player is not a game ruining experience. I much rather be able to complete these than have failed attempts because:
-Players are lazy and give up
-Players go AFK while you complete the event for them
-Players disconnect and lose out on a win or contributing to a win
-Players being trolls and picking the wrong cars/holding their horns down.

If you completed your achievements/accolades, then decided to come on here and complain about “challenge” then you are a hypocrite. Don’t gain something then want it to be changed to gate future players.

Nothing about Horizon Arcade should be a mountain to climb. Its supposed to be an objective that can be completed on the fly, that’s why it pops up in random spots on the map.

Is it a perfect solution? No. This is however 100 times better than leaving the game type unplayable until multiplayer gets ironed out.

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My thoughts exactly. I’d rather be actually able to finish a level 3 than not due to a multitude of problems, of which many are technical, even still.

I haven’t got any issue with Arcade being “too easy”, who cares. Its meant to a fun thing to do and I didn’t really find it super funny, when it was pretty much impossible to do most of the time before the update.

I don’t really understand what is it out of anyone else’s enjoynment, if more people can get a level 3 done. Do I find it really easy now, of course. But why is that exactly an issue?

Speaking of Accolade (not that they work properly mind), some of Accolades, as in completing 10? or so in 24 hours, where literally impossible to do before the patch, because of the technical issues.

And as you said, nobody is forcing anyone to solo it, you want a “co-op” experience, you can totally do that, providing it actually works.

I know Arcade was broken before, but I’m surprised at how very few people do it anymore. In FH4’s beginning, Forzathon Live was packed. Even later into the game’s lifespan there were always a bunch of people doing it.

If you’re playing solo, the drift challenge is the easiest and the speed one, the hardest. If you just want the Accolade or Playlist, focus on Drift and Wreckage.

Yup the drift one is a piece of cake on you’re own. I’ve knocked off all but one of the Arcade Accolades in one day over a few hours. Think I’m up to about 7000 forzathon points (including the free points we were given).

The only issue now is doing the accolade where you need 100 star points for Trailblazers in Arcade events (done in the Chaos event). You only get one go as that’s all it takes to finish the event. Going to take a few events to complete the accolade.

Yeah those trailblazers are the last ones I need too, I think I only have 20 or so done out of 100? It will be a serious grind. Doubtful I will ever get it, would take too much commitment.


this thread is proof that some people will never, ever be satisfied.
