Anyone Willing?

Anyone willing to share vinyl groups?

Is there is vinyl sharing group like there was in FM3 and 4?

I’d like to get designing again.

I’d also like to put out a few designs before recreating logos myself.

I am willing to share any vinyl I make with anyone that shares with me.

C’mon, help a guy out. Please?

I’m fairly new to FM5 (just a couple of months here), so what exactly do you mean by “vinyl sharing groups”? Just curious. I’ve shared a bunch of vinyls (mainly logos) for anyone to use … but the problem I see with that is that if you want to create a complete design to share later, you always have to create all your own vinyls. I just shared some of mine in case maybe someone wanted to use a couple but didn’t care about sharing a whole design.

I understand what you are saying,you can use other peoples decals that are shared for your personal designs,but cant then upload the design if it has locked decals in it. People would share decals but no gifting is possible on fm5. So no… no decal packs. Best get tracing. :wink:

I had to do some real digging to find out that gifting was removed from FM5.

Seems like I will need to get to work… :confused: