Anyone have any drop catching/launch control tips for a Forza newbie?

Drop catching is definitely something I have been struggling with the most in this game and despite having read numerous explanations on how to do it I just can’t seem to get it down. My launches vary between having massive amounts of wheel spin to barely taking off at a crawl in which my opponent already has a decent sized jump on me. I can’t seem to find that happy medium. Anyone possibly have any tips they’d be willing to share with a beginner like me when it comes to achieving a decent launch? Also, for the sake of adding a little more information to my post, I am using Manual/without clutch. Any and all help is appreciated! Thanks.

hey - I think using the clutch helps on starts, you can feather it to get RPM’s up - also, EASY ON THE THROTTLE, shift at the red line, to avoid wheelspin, less throttle is more…hope this helps, good luck

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Thanks for the tip! I’ll give it a shot.